Functions that convert positions in decimal degrees latitude and longitude
to rectangle codes for statistical rectangles, their subrectangles or
rectangle codes in systems of various resolutions as described below and
relating to (see rect2deg).
Position(s) as decimal degrees latitude and longitude. If
lat is list its components lat$lat and lat$lon
are used for lat and lon.
Rectangle height and width in degrees and minutes latitude
and longitude for d2dr and d2mr respectively.
Starting latitude used in coding the rectangles.
Vector of rectangle codes in the chosen coding system.
r2d with a resolution of 30 min latitue and 1 deg longitude
(the Icelandic numbering system, 'tilkynningaskyldureitir').
sr2d with a resolution of 15 min latitude by 30 min longitude
in the Icelandic numbering system for statistical rectangles which starts
counting at 60 deg N latitude, with sub-rectangles of 30 min lat by 1 deg
lon coded 1, 2, 3 and 4 for the NW, NA, SW and SA quadrants respectively
A small number (1e-06) is added to latitude and subtracted from longitude to
ensure rectangle membership of positions on border are logical on
the nw-hempisphere.