## Only run this example in interactive R sessions
if (interactive()) {
# A dashboard header with 3 dropdown menus
header <- dashboardHeader(
title = "Dashboard Demo",
# Dropdown menu for messages
dropdownMenu(type = "messages", badgeStatus = "success",
messageItem("Support Team",
"This is the content of a message.",
time = "5 mins"
messageItem("Support Team",
"This is the content of another message.",
time = "2 hours"
messageItem("New User",
"Can I get some help?",
time = "Today"
# Dropdown menu for notifications
dropdownMenu(type = "notifications", badgeStatus = "warning",
notificationItem(icon = icon("users"), status = "info",
"5 new members joined today"
notificationItem(icon = icon("warning"), status = "danger",
"Resource usage near limit."
notificationItem(icon = icon("shopping-cart", lib = "glyphicon"),
status = "success", "25 sales made"
notificationItem(icon = icon("user", lib = "glyphicon"),
status = "danger", "You changed your username"
# Dropdown menu for tasks, with progress bar
dropdownMenu(type = "tasks", badgeStatus = "danger",
taskItem(value = 20, color = "aqua",
"Refactor code"
taskItem(value = 40, color = "green",
"Design new layout"
taskItem(value = 60, color = "yellow",
"Another task"
taskItem(value = 80, color = "red",
"Write documentation"
ui = dashboardPage(
server = function(input, output) { }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab