Learn R Programming

shinydashboard (version 0.6.1)

dashboardHeader: Create a header for a dashboard page


A dashboard header can be left blank, or it can include dropdown menu items on the right side.


dashboardHeader(..., title = NULL, titleWidth = NULL, disable = FALSE,
  .list = NULL)



Items to put in the header. Should be dropdownMenus.


An optional title to show in the header bar.. By default, this will also be used as the title shown in the browser's title bar. If you want that to be different from the text in the dashboard header bar, set the title in dashboardPage.


The width of the title area. This must either be a number which specifies the width in pixels, or a string that specifies the width in CSS units.


If TRUE, don't display the header bar.


An optional list containing items to put in the header. Same as the ... arguments, but in list format. This can be useful when working with programmatically generated items.

See Also



Run this code
## Only run this example in interactive R sessions
if (interactive()) {

# A dashboard header with 3 dropdown menus
header <- dashboardHeader(
  title = "Dashboard Demo",

  # Dropdown menu for messages
  dropdownMenu(type = "messages", badgeStatus = "success",
    messageItem("Support Team",
      "This is the content of a message.",
      time = "5 mins"
    messageItem("Support Team",
      "This is the content of another message.",
      time = "2 hours"
    messageItem("New User",
      "Can I get some help?",
      time = "Today"

  # Dropdown menu for notifications
  dropdownMenu(type = "notifications", badgeStatus = "warning",
    notificationItem(icon = icon("users"), status = "info",
      "5 new members joined today"
    notificationItem(icon = icon("warning"), status = "danger",
      "Resource usage near limit."
    notificationItem(icon = icon("shopping-cart", lib = "glyphicon"),
      status = "success", "25 sales made"
    notificationItem(icon = icon("user", lib = "glyphicon"),
      status = "danger", "You changed your username"

  # Dropdown menu for tasks, with progress bar
  dropdownMenu(type = "tasks", badgeStatus = "danger",
    taskItem(value = 20, color = "aqua",
      "Refactor code"
    taskItem(value = 40, color = "green",
      "Design new layout"
    taskItem(value = 60, color = "yellow",
      "Another task"
    taskItem(value = 80, color = "red",
      "Write documentation"

  ui = dashboardPage(
  server = function(input, output) { }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab