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DBI (version 0.5-1)

transactions: Begin/commit/rollback SQL transactions


Not all database engines implement transaction management, in which case these methods should not be implemented for the specific DBIConnection subclass.


dbBegin(conn, ...)
dbCommit(conn, ...)
dbRollback(conn, ...)


A DBIConnection object, as produced by dbConnect.
Other parameters passed on to methods.


a logical indicating whether the operation succeeded or not.

Side Effects

The current transaction on the connection con is committed or rolled back.

See Also

Self-contained transactions: dbWithTransaction


Run this code
## Not run: 
# ora <- dbDriver("Oracle")
# con <- dbConnect(ora)
# rs <- dbSendQuery(con,
#       "delete * from PURGE as p where p.wavelength<0.03")
# if (dbGetRowsAffected(rs) > 250) {
#   warning("dubious deletion -- rolling back transaction")
#   dbRollback(con)
# } else {
#   dbCommit(con)
# }
# dbClearResult(rs)
# dbDisconnect(con)
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab