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secr (version 3.0.1)

deleteMaskPoints: Edit Mask Points


Mask points may be removed by one of three methods: clicking on points, clicking on vertices to define a polygon from which points will be removed, or specifying a polygon to which the mask will be clipped.


deleteMaskPoints(mask, onebyone = TRUE, add = FALSE, poly = NULL,
 poly.habitat = FALSE, ...)


secr mask object
logical; see Details
logical; if true then the initial mask plot will be added to an existing plot
polygon defining habitat or non-habitat as described in make.mask
logical; if TRUE polygon represents habitat
other arguments to plot.mask


A mask object, usually with fewer points than the input mask.


The default method (onebyone = TRUE, poly = NULL) is to click on each point to be removed. The nearest mask point will be selected.

Setting onebyone = FALSE allows the user to click on the vertices of a polygon within which all points are to be removed (the default) or retained (poly.habitat = TRUE). Vertices need not coincide with mask points.

Defining poly here is equivalent to calling make.mask with poly defined. poly may be a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame from sp, possibly imported from a polygon shapefile with rgdal::readOGR. Whether poly represents habitat or non-habitat is toggled with poly.habitat -- the default here differs from make.mask.

See Also

make.mask, subset.mask


Run this code

## Not run: ------------------------------------
# mask0 <- make.mask (traps(captdata))
# ## Method 1 - click on each point to remove
# mask1 <- deleteMaskPoints (mask0)
# ## Method 2 - click on vertices of removal polygon
# mask2 <- deleteMaskPoints (mask0, onebyone = FALSE)
# ## Method 3 - predefined removal polygon
# plot(captdata)
# poly1 <- locator(5)
# mask3 <- deleteMaskPoints (mask0, poly = poly1)
## ---------------------------------------------

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab