Learn R Programming

renv (version 0.3.0-40)

dependencies: Find R Package Dependencies in a Project


Find R packages used within a project. dependencies() will crawl files within your project, looking for R files and the packages used within those R files. This is done primarily by parsing the code and looking for calls of the form:


dependencies(path = getwd())



The path to a (possibly multi-mode) R file, or a directory containing such files.

Ignoring Files

By default, renv will read your project's .gitignores (if any) to determine whether certain files or folders should be included when traversing directories. If preferred, you can also create a .renvignore file (with entries of the same format as a standard .gitignore file) to tell renv which files to ignore within a directory. If both .renvignore and .gitignore exist within a folder, the .renvignore will be used in lieu of the .gitignore.

See https://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore for documentation on the .gitignore format. Some simple examples here:

# ignore all R Markdown files

# ignore all data folders data/

# ignore only data folders from the root of the project /data/


  • library(package)

  • require(package)

  • requireNamespace("package")

  • package::method()

For R package projects, dependencies expressed in the DESCRIPTION file will also be discovered. Note that the rmarkdown package is required in order to crawl dependencies in R Markdown files.