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secr (version 3.0.1)

plot.secr: Plot Detection Functions


Plot detection functions using estimates of parameters in an secr object, or as provided by the user.


# S3 method for secr
plot(x, newdata = NULL, add = FALSE,
    sigmatick = FALSE, rgr = FALSE, limits = FALSE, alpha = 0.05,
    xval = 0:200, ylim = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for secrlist plot(x, newdata = NULL, add = FALSE, sigmatick = FALSE, rgr = FALSE, limits = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, xval = 0:200, ylim = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, ..., overlay = TRUE)

detectfnplot (detectfn, pars, details = NULL, add = FALSE, sigmatick = FALSE, rgr = FALSE, xval = 0:200, ylim = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, ...)

attenuationplot (pars, add = FALSE, spherical = TRUE, xval = 0:200, ylim = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, ...)


an secr object
dataframe of data to form estimates
logical to add curve(s) to an existing plot
logical; if TRUE the scale parameter sigma is shown by a vertical line
logical; if TRUE a scaled curve r.g(r) is plotted instead of g(r)
logical; if TRUE pointwise confidence limits are drawn
alpha level for confidence intervals
vector of distances at for which detection to be plotted
vector length 2 giving limits of y axis
label for x axis
label for y axis
arguments to pass to lines
logical; if TRUE then automatically add = TRUE for plots after the first
integer code or character string for shape of detection function 0 = halfnormal etc. -- see detectfn
list, vector or matrix of parameter values
list of ancillary parameters
logical for whether to include spherical spreading term


plot.secr invisibly returns a dataframe of the plotted values (or a list of dataframes in the case that newdata has more than one row).


newdata is usually NULL, in which case one curve is plotted for each session and group. Otherwise, predict.secr is used to form estimates and plot a curve for each row in newdata.

If axis labels are not provided they default to `Distance (m)' and `Detection probability' or `Detection lambda'.

detectfnplot is an alternative in which the user nominates the type of function and provides parameter values. pars maybe a list as from detectpar; it is first coerced to a numeric vector with unlist. Parameter values must be in the expected order (e.g. g0, sigma, z). If pars is a matrix then a separate curve is plotted with the parameter values in each row.

For detectfnplot the signal threshold parameters `cutval' and `spherical' should be provided in details (see examples).

Approximate confidence limits for g(r) are calculated using a numerical first-order delta-method approximation to the standard error at each xval. The distribution is assumed to be normal on the logit scale; limits are back-transformed from that scale.

attenuationplot plots the expected decline in signal strength with distance, given parameters \(\beta_0\) and \(\beta_1\) for a log-linear model of sound attenuation.

See Also

Detection functions, plot, secr


Run this code

plot (secrdemo.b, xval = 0:100, ylim = c(0, 0.4))
## Add recapture probability
plot (secrdemo.b, newdata = data.frame(b = 1), add = TRUE,
    col = "red")

## signal strength detection: 70dB at source, attenuation
## 0.3dB/m, sdS 5dB; detection threshold 40 dB.
detectfnplot (detectfn = 10, c(70, -0.3, 5), details =
    list(cutval = 40))

## add a function with louder source and spherical spreading...
detectfnplot (detectfn = 11, c(110, -0.3, 5), details =
    list(cutval = 40), add = TRUE, col = "red")

## matching sound attenuation curves; `spherical-only' dashed line
attenuationplot (c(70, -0.3), spherical = FALSE, ylim=c(-10,110))
attenuationplot (c(110, 0), spherical = TRUE, add=TRUE, lty=2)
attenuationplot (c(110, -0.3), spherical = TRUE, add = TRUE,
    col = "red")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab