# Smooth growth curves using a specified value of
# degrees of freedom.
# Set up the ages of height measurements for Berkeley data
age <- c( seq(1, 2, 0.25), seq(3, 8, 1), seq(8.5, 18, 0.5))
# Range of observations
rng <- c(1,18)
# Set up a B-spline basis of order 6 with knots at ages
knots <- age
norder <- 6
nbasis <- length(knots) + norder - 2
hgtbasis <- create.bspline.basis(rng, nbasis, norder, knots)
# Find the smoothing parameter equivalent to 12
# degrees of freedom
lambda <- df2lambda(age, hgtbasis, df=12)
# Set up a functional parameter object for estimating
# growth curves. The 4th derivative is penalyzed to
# ensure a smooth 2nd derivative or acceleration.
Lfdobj <- 4
growfdPar <- fdPar(hgtbasis, Lfdobj, lambda)
# Smooth the data. The data for the girls are in matrix
# hgtf.
hgtffd <- smooth.basis(age, growth$hgtf, growfdPar)$fd
# Plot the curves
# }
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