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dist.HuangWand: Huang-Wand Distribution


These are the density and random generation functions for the Huang-Wand prior distribution for a covariance matrix.


dhuangwand(x, nu=2, a, A, log=FALSE)
dhuangwandc(x, nu=2, a, A, log=FALSE)
rhuangwand(nu=2, a, A)
rhuangwandc(nu=2, a, A)



This is a \(k \times k\) positive-definite covariance matrix \(\Sigma\) for dhuangwand, or the Cholesky factor \(\textbf{U}\) of the covariance matrix for dhuangwandc.


This is a scalar degrees of freedom parameter \(\nu\). The default is nu=2, which is an uninformative prior, resulting in marginal uniform distributions on the correlation matrix.


This is a positive-only vector of scale parameters \(a\) of length \(k\).


This is a positive-only vector of of scale hyperparameters \(A\) of length \(k\). Larger values result in a more uninformative prior. A default, uninformative prior is A=rep(1e6,k).


Logical. If log=TRUE, then the logarithm of the density is returned.


dhuangwand and dhuangwandc give the density, and rhuangwand and rhuangwandc generate random deviates.


  • Application: Continuous Multivariate

  • Density: \(p(\theta) = \mathcal{W}^{-1}_{\nu+k-1}(2 \nu diag(1/a)) \mathcal{G}^{-1}(1/2, 1/A^2)\)

  • Inventor: Huang and Wand (2013)

  • Notation 1: \(\theta \sim \mathcal{HW}_\nu(\textbf{a}, \textbf{A})\)

  • Notation 2: \(p(\theta) \sim \mathcal{HW}_\nu(\theta | \textbf{a}, \textbf{A})\)

  • Parameter 1: degrees of freedom \(\nu\)

  • Parameter 2: scale \(a > 0\)

  • Parameter 3: scale \(A > 0\)

  • Mean:

  • Variance:

  • Mode:

Huang and Wand (2013) proposed a prior distribution for a covariance matrix that uses a hierarchical inverse Wishart. This is a more flexible alternative to the inverse Wishart distribution, and the Huang-Wand prior retains conjugacy. The Cholesky parameterization is also provided here.

The Huang-Wand prior distribution alleviates two main limitations of an inverse Wishart distribution. First, the uncertainty in the diagonal variances of a covariance matrix that is inverse Wishart distributed is represented with only one degrees of freedom parameter, which may be too restrictive. The Huang-Wand prior overcomes this limitation. Second, the inverse Wishart distribution imposes a dependency between variance and correlation. The Huang-Wand prior lessens, but does not fully remove, this dependency.

The standard deviations of a Huang-Wand distributed covariance matrix are half-t distributed, as \(\mathcal{HT}(\nu, \textbf{A})\). This is in accord with modern assumptions about distributions of scale parameters, and is also useful for sparse covariance matrices.

The rhuangwand function allows either a or A to be missing. When a is missing, the covariance matrix is generated from the hyperparameters. When A is missing, the covariance matrix is generated from the parameters.


Huang, A., Wand, M., et al. (2013), "Simple Marginally Noninformative Prior Distributions for Covariance Matrices". Bayesian Analysis, 8, p. 439--452.

See Also

dhalft and dinvwishart


Run this code
dhuangwand(diag(3), nu=2, a=runif(3), A=rep(1e6,3), log=TRUE)
rhuangwand(nu=2, A=rep(1e6, 3)) #Missing a
rhuangwand(nu=2, a=runif(3)) #Missing A
# }

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