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qdap (version 2.2.1)

dispersion_plot: Lexical Dispersion Plot


Generate a lexical dispersion plot of terms.


dispersion_plot(text.var, match.terms, grouping.var = NULL, rm.vars = NULL,
  color = "blue", bg.color = "grey90", horiz.color = "grey85",
  total.color = "black", symbol = "|", title = "Lexical Dispersion Plot",
  rev.factor = TRUE, wrap = "'", xlab = "Dialogue (Words)", ylab = NULL,
  size = 4, plot = TRUE, char2space = "~~", apostrophe.remove = FALSE,
  scales = "free", space = "free", ...)


The text variable.
A vector of quoted terms or a named list of quoted terms. If the latter terms will be combined into a single unified theme named according to the list names. Note that terms within the vectors of the list cannot be duplicated.
The grouping variables. Default NULL generates one word list for all text. Also takes a single grouping variable or a list of 1 or more grouping variables.
The repeated measures variables. Default NULL generates one facet for all text. Also takes a single repeated measures variable or a list of 1 or more grouping variables.
The color of the word symbols.
The background color.
The color of the horizontal tracking stripe. Use horiz.color = bg.color to eliminate.
The color to use for summary `all` group. If NULL totals are dropped.
The word symbol. Default is "|".
Title of the plot
logical. If TRUE reverses the plot order of the factors.
a character to wrap around the words (enables the reader to visualize spaces). Default is "'", use "" to remove.
The x label.
The y label.
The size of the plotting symbol.
logical. If TRUE the plot will automatically plot. The user may wish to set to FALSE for use in knitr, sweave, etc. to add additional plot layers.
A vector of characters to be turned into spaces.
logical. If TRUE removes apostrophes from the output.
Should scales be fixed ("fixed", the default), free ("free"), or free in one dimension ("free_x", "free_y")
If "fixed", the default, all panels have the same size. If "free_y" their height will be proportional to the length of the y scale; if "free_x" their width will be proportional to the length of the x scale; or if
Other argument supplied to strip.


  • Plots a dispersion plot and invisibly returns the ggplot2 object.

See Also



Run this code
term_match(raj$dialogue, c(" love ", "love", " night ", "night"))
dispersion_plot(raj$dialogue, c(" love ", "love", " night ", "night"))
dispersion_plot(raj$dialogue, c("love", "night"), rm.vars = raj$act)
with(rajSPLIT , dispersion_plot(dialogue, c("love", "night"),
    grouping.var = list(fam.aff, sex), rm.vars = act))

## With grouping variables
with(rajSPLIT , dispersion_plot(dialogue, c("love", "night"),
     grouping.var = sex, rm.vars = act))

## Drop total with `total.color = NULL`
with(rajSPLIT , dispersion_plot(dialogue, c("love", "night"),
     grouping.var = sex, rm.vars = act, total.color = NULL))

## Change color scheme
with(rajSPLIT, dispersion_plot(dialogue, c("love", "night"),
    bg.color = "black", grouping.var = list(fam.aff, sex),
    color = "yellow", total.color = "white", horiz.color="grey20"))

## Use `word_list`
## Presidential debates by all
wrds <- word_list(pres_debates2012$dialogue, stopwords = Top200Words)
wrds2 <- spaste(wrds[["rfswl"]][["all"]][, "WORD"])
wrds2 <- c(" governor~~romney ", wrds2[-c(3, 12)])
with(pres_debates2012 , dispersion_plot(dialogue, wrds2, rm.vars = time))

## Presidential debates by person
dat <- pres_debates2012
dat <- dat[dat$person %in% qcv(ROMNEY, OBAMA), ]

wordlist <- c(" tax", " health", " rich ", "america", " truth",
    " money", "cost", " governnor", " president", " we ",
    " job", " i ", " you ", " because ", " our ", " years ")

with(dat, dispersion_plot(dialogue, wordlist, total.color = NULL,
    bg.color = "white", grouping.var = person, rm.vars = time,
    color = "black", horiz.color="grey80"))

wordlist2 <- c(" i'd ", " i'll ", " i'm ", " i've ", " i ",
    " we'd ", " we'll ", " we're ", " we've ", " we ",
    " you'd ",  " you'll ", " you're ", " you've ", " you ", " your ",
    " he'd ", " he'll ", " he's ", " he ")

with(dat, dispersion_plot(dialogue, wordlist2,
    bg.color = "black", grouping.var = person, rm.vars = time,
    color = "yellow", total.color = NULL, horiz.color="grey20"))

with(dat, dispersion_plot(dialogue, wordlist2,
    bg.color = "black", grouping.var = person, rm.vars = time,
    color = "red", total.color = "white", horiz.color="grey20"))

## `match.terms` as a named list
wordlist3 <- list(
    I = c(" i'd ", " i'll ", " i'm ", " i've ", " i "),
    we = c(" we'd ", " we'll ", " we're ", " we've ", " we "),
    you = c(" you'd ",  " you'll ", " you're ", " you've ", " you ", " your "),
    he = c(" he'd ", " he'll ", " he's ", " he ")

with(dat, dispersion_plot(dialogue, wordlist3,
    bg.color = "grey60", grouping.var = person, rm.vars = time,
    color = "blue", total.color = "grey40", horiz.color="grey20"))

colsplit2df(scores(with(dat, termco(dialogue, list(time, person), wordlist3))))

## Extras:
## Reverse facets

x <- with(pres_debates2012 , dispersion_plot(dialogue, wrds2, rm.vars = time))

## function to reverse ggplot2 facets
rev_facet <- function(x) {
    names(x$facet)[1:2] <- names(x$facet)[2:1]


## Discourse Markers: See...
## Schiffrin, D. (2001). Discourse markers: Language, meaning, and context.
##    In D. Schiffrin, D. Tannen, & H. E. Hamilton (Eds.), The handbook of
##    discourse analysis (pp. 54-75). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.

discoure_markers <- list(
    response_cries = c(" oh ", " ah ", " aha ", " ouch ", " yuk "),
    back_channels = c(" uh-huh ", " uhuh ", " yeah "),
    summons = " hey ",
    justification = " because "

(markers <- with(pres_debates2012,
    termco(dialogue, list(person, time), discoure_markers)
plot(markers, high="red")

    termco(dialogue, list(person, time), discoure_markers, elim.old = FALSE)

    dispersion_plot(dialogue, unlist(discoure_markers), person, time)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab