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corTools (version 1.0)

dist: Distribution Generator


Generates a distribution based on a user-inputted list of values, and returns values above or below user-inputted percentages of the distribution.


dist(dat, small, large)


Either a list of numeric values, or a numeric column of a dataframe.
Smaller percentage, written as a decimal value.
Larger percentage, written as a decimal value.



If dat is entered as a columnname, function will preserve other columns of the dataframe and return those columns in the function output. Function uses quantiles to determine the cutoff values.


http://www.cytoscape.org/ Krouk G, Mirowski P, LeCun Y, Shasha DE, Coruzzi GM (2010) Predictive network modeling of the high-resolution dynamic plant transcriptome in response to nitrate. Genome Biol 11(12):R123. Krouk G, Lingeman J, Colon AM, Coruzzi G, Shasha D. (2013) Gene regulatory networks in plants: learning causality from time and perturbation. Genome Biol 14(6):123.


Run this code
# Create some sample data, as a dataframe with a numeric column
col1 <- c("L1", "L2", "L4", "E6", "G1")
col2 <- c(1.42, 14.34, 6.43, 32.1, 15.8)
dat <- as.data.frame(cbind(col1, col2))
dat$col2 <- as.numeric(as.character(dat$col2))

dist(dat$col2, 0.05, 0.95)
# dat$col2 denotes the column of the data that the distribution will be based on
# 0.05 and 0.95 indicate that the function will return values that are smaller
# than 5% of the values, or greater than 95% of the values
# function will return values 1.42 and 32.10

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab