# Plot of column 1 (which happens to be the 1st formant) of an EMU-trackdata object
# As above but only observations 1 to 5
# column 2 (which happens to be of the second formant) and colour-coded
# for each label-type
dplot(dip.fdat[,2], dip.l)
# put the legend bottom left
dplot(dip.fdat[,2], dip.l, legend="bottomleft")
# as above with no legend and averaged per category
dplot(dip.fdat[,2], dip.l, legend=FALSE, average=TRUE)
# both formants averaged
dplot(dip.fdat[,1:2], dip.l, average=TRUE)
# F2 only with linear-time normalisation
dplot(dip.fdat[,2], dip.l, norm=TRUE)
# linear time-normalisation, both formants and averaged
dplot(dip.fdat[,1:2], dip.l, norm=TRUE, average=TRUE)
# synchronise at the temporal midpoint before averaging, F2 only
dplot(dip.fdat[,2], dip.l, offset=0.5, average=TRUE)
# synchronise 60 ms before the diphthong offset
dplot(dip.fdat[,2], dip.l, offset=dip.fdat$ftime[,2]-60, prop=FALSE)
# as above averaged, no colour with linetype,
# different plot symbols double line thickness in the range between +- 20 ms
dplot(dip.fdat[,2], dip.l, offset=dip.fdat$ftime[,2]-60, prop=FALSE,
average=TRUE, colour=FALSE, lty=TRUE, pch=1:3, lwd =2, type="b", xlim=c(-20, 20))
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab