## Create folder named 'ghi', then another below named it 'jkl' and star it
ghi <- drive_mkdir("ghi")
jkl <- drive_mkdir("ghi/jkl", starred = TRUE)
## is 'jkl' really starred? YES
purrr::pluck(jkl, "drive_resource", 1, "starred")
## Another way to create folder 'mno' in folder 'ghi'
drive_mkdir("mno", path = "ghi")
## Yet another way to create a folder named 'pqr' in folder 'ghi',
## this time with parent folder stored in a dribble,
## and setting the new folder's description
pqr <- drive_mkdir("pqr", path = ghi, description = "I am a folder")
## Did we really set the description? YES
purrr::pluck(pqr, "drive_resource", 1, "description")
## `overwrite = FALSE` errors if something already exists at target filepath
drive_create("name-squatter", path = ghi)
drive_mkdir("name-squatter", path = ghi, overwrite = FALSE)
## `overwrite = TRUE` moves the existing item to trash, then proceeds
drive_mkdir("name-squatter", path = ghi, overwrite = TRUE)
## clean up
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab