## Create a new file, so we can update it
x <- drive_upload(drive_example("chicken.csv"))
## Update the file with new media
x <- x %>%
## Update the file with new metadata.
## Notice here `name` is not an argument of `drive_update()`, we are passing
## this to the API via the `...``
x <- x %>%
drive_update(name = "CHICKENS!")
## We can add a parent folder by passing `addParents` via `...`.
folder <- drive_mkdir("second-parent-folder")
x <- x %>%
drive_update(addParents = as_id(folder))
## Verify the file now has multiple parents
purrr::pluck(x, "drive_resource", 1, "parents")
## Update the file with new media AND new metadata
x <- x %>%
drive_update(drive_example("chicken.txt"), name = "chicken-poem-again.txt")
## Clean up
drive_rm(x, folder)
# }
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