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dlnm (version 2.3.9)

drug: A Trial on the Effect of Time-Varying Doses of a Drug


The data set contains simulated data from an hypothetical randomized controlled trial on the effect of time-varying doses of a drug. The study include records for 200 randomized subjects, each receiving doses of a drug randomly allocated in two out of four weeks, with daily doses varying each week. The daily doses are reported on 7-day intervals corresponding to each week.





A data frame with 200 observations on the following 7 variables.

  • id: subject ID.

  • out: the outcome level measured at day 28.

  • sex: the sex of the subject.

  • day1.7: daily dose for the first week.

  • day8.14: daily dose for the second week.

  • day15.21: daily dose for the third week.

  • day22.28: daily dose for the fourth week.


The exposure history for each subject (series of daily doses from day 28 to 1) can be recovered by expanding the values given in day1.7-day22.28.

See Also

nested for an example of nested case-control study data. chicagoNMMAPS for an example of time series data.

The application of DLNMs to these data with detailed examples are provided in the vignette dlnmExtended.

See dlnm-package for an introduction to the package and for links to package vignettes providing more detailed information.