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labdsv (version 2.1-0)

dsvdis: Dissimilarity Indices and Distance Measures


This function provides a set of alternative dissimilarity indices and distance metrics for classification and ordination, including weighting by species (columns) and shortest-path adjustment for dissimilarity indices.


       diag=FALSE, upper=FALSE)


Returns an object of class "dist", equivalent to that from dist.



a matrix of observations, samples as rows and variables as columns


a specific dissimilarity or distance index (see details below)


a vector of weights for species (columns)


a threshold dissimilarity to initiate shortest-path adjustment (0.0 is a flag for no adjustment)


a switch to control returning the diagonal (default=FALSE)


a switch to control returning the upper (TRUE) or lower (FALSE) triangle


David W. Roberts droberts@montana.edu


The function calculates dissimilarity or distance between rows of a matrix of observations according to a specific index. Three indices convert the data to presence/absence automatically. In contingency table notation, they are:

steinhaus\(1 - a / (a + b + c)\)
sorensen\(1 - 2a / (2a + b +c)\)
ochiai\(1 - a / \sqrt{(a+b) * (a+c)}\)

Others are quantitative. For variable i in samples x and y:

ruzicka\(1 - \sum \min(x_i,y_i) / \sum \max(x_i,y_i)\)
bray/curtis\(1 - \sum[2 * \min(x_i,y_i)] / \sum x_i + y_i\)
roberts\(1 - [(x_i+y_i) * \min(x_i,y_i) / \max(x_i,y_i)] / (x_i + y_i)\)
chisq\((exp - obs) / \sqrt{exp}\)

The weight argument allows the assignment of weights to individual species in the calculation of plot-to-plot similarity. The weights can be assigned by life-form, indicator value, or for other investigator specific reasons. For the presence/absence indices the weights should be integers; for the quantitative indices the weights should be in the interval [0,1]. The default (rep(1,ncol(x)) is to set all species = 1.

The threshold dissimilarity ‘step’ sets all values greater than or equal to "step" to 9999.9 and then solves for the shortest path distance connecting plots to other non-9999.9 values in the matrix. Step = 0.0 (the default) is a flag for "no shortest-path correction".

See Also

dist, vegdist


Run this code
data(bryceveg)   # returns a data.frame called "bryceveg"
dis.ochiai <- dsvdis(bryceveg,index="ochiai")
dis.bc <- dsvdis(bryceveg,index="bray/curtis")

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab