## Not run:
# ## From Protein, retrieve a raw GenPept record and write it to a file.
# p <- efetch("195055", "protein", "gp")
# p
# write(content(p, "text"), file = "~/AAD15290.gp")
# ## Get accessions for a list of GenBank IDs (GIs)
# acc <- efetch(c("1621261", "89318838", "68536103", "20807972", "730439"),
# "protein", rettype = "acc")
# acc
# acc <- strsplit(content(acc), "\n")[[1]]
# acc
# ## Get GIs from a list of accession numbers
# gi <- efetch(c("CAB02640.1", "EAS10332.1", "YP_250808.1", "NP_623143.1", "P41007.1"),
# "protein", "uilist")
# gi
# ## we can conveniently extract the UIDs using the eutil method #xmlValue(xpath)
# gi$xmlValue("/IdList/Id")
# ## or we can extract the contents of the efetch query using the fuction content()
# ## and use the XML package to retrieve the UIDs
# doc <- content(gi)
# XML::xpathSApply(doc, "/IdList/Id", XML::xmlValue)
# ## Get the scientific name for an organism starting with the NCBI taxon id.
# tx <- efetch("527031", "taxonomy")
# tx
# ## Convenience accessor for XML nodes of interest using XPath
# ## Extract the TaxIds of the Lineage
# tx["//LineageEx/Taxon/TaxId"]
# ## Use an XPath expession to extract the scientific name.
# tx$xmlValue("/TaxaSet/Taxon/ScientificName")
# ## Iteratively retrieve a large number of records
# # First store approx. 8400 UIDs on the History server.
# uid <- esearch(term = "hexokinase", db = 'protein', usehistory = TRUE)
# # Fetch the records and write to file in batches of 500.
# efetch(uid, rettype = "fasta", retmode = "text", outfile = "~/tmp/hexokinases.fna")
# ## End(Not run)
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