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PlayerRatings (version 1.1-0)

elom: Multi-player Elo Based Rating System


Implements the Elo based rating system for for multi-player games where the result is a placing or a score. This includes zero-sum games such as poker and mahjong. The default arguments used here are those used by Tenhou for riichi mahjong.


elom(x, nn = 4, exact = TRUE, base = c(30,10,-10,-30), status = NULL, 
    init = 1500, kfac = kriichi, history = FALSE, sort = TRUE, …,
	placing = FALSE)



A data frame containing 2nn+1 variables, where nn is the number of players in a single game: (col 1) a numeric vector denoting the time period in which the game took place, (cols 2 to nn+1) numeric or character identifiers for each of the nn players, (cols nn+2 to 2nn+1) the result of the game expressed as a number, typically a score for each player (e.g. the number of remaining chips in poker). Negative numbers are allowed. Alternatively, the result can be a placing (e.g. 1 for first place, 2 for second place), in which case the placing argument MUST be set to TRUE. Placings must be integers: in the event of a tie, multiple players can be given the same placing.


Number of players in a single game. If the number of players varies, then this argument should be set to the maximum number of players in any game, and the exact argument should be set to FALSE. Unused player identifiers in x must then be set to the missing value NA. The game score for NA player identifiers is ignored and therefore can also be set to NA.


If TRUE (the default), then every game always has exactly nn players. If TRUE, then x cannot have missing values.


The base values used for the rating. Can be a numeric vector of length equal to nn, a numeric matrix with nrow(x) rows and nn columns, or a vectorized function of the game score. If a numeric vector, then the person with the highest score gets base[1], the person with the second highest score gets base[2], and so on. In the event of a tie on the game score, tied players are given the largest available base value. For games with less than nn players, see Details. If base is a matrix, then the ith row is used for the ith game in x. If base is a vectorized function, then each player gets the result of the function applied to the game score. In Riichi mahjong, where players start with 25000 points, a typical example might be function(x) (x-25000)/250.


A data frame with the current status of the system. If not NULL, this needs to be a data frame in the form of the ratings component of the returned list, containing variables named Player, Rating, and optionally Games, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and so on, and finally Lag, which are all set to zero if not given.


The rating at which to initialize a new player not appearing in status. Must be a single number. If different initializations for different players are required, this can be done using status.


The K factor parameter. Can be a single number or a vectorized function of two arguments, the first being the ratings and the second being the number of games played. See kriichi for an example.


If TRUE returns the entire history for each period in the component history of the returned list.


If TRUE sort the results by rating (highest to lowest). If FALSE sort the results by player.

Passed to the function kfac.


If the results are given as placings (e.g. 1 for first place, 2 for second place) then this argument MUST be set to TRUE, otherwise the placings will be interpreted as game scores.


A list object of class "rating" with the following components


A data frame of the results at the end of the final time period. The variables are self explanatory except for Lag, which represents the number of time periods since the player last played a game. This is equal to zero for players who played in the latest time period, and is also zero for players who have not yet played any games.


A three dimensional array, or NULL if history is FALSE. The row dimension is the players, the column dimension is the time periods. The third dimension gives different parameters.


The number of players for a single game.


The K factor or K factor function.


The character string "EloM".


For multi-player games there is no player one advantage parameter (e.g. a home advantage in football or a white advantage in chess).

If the sum of the vector base is not zero, or if base is a function which is not zero when evaluated at the starting chip/points value, then you may observe unusual behaviour and/or substantial ratings inflation/deflation.

The two-player Elo system is based on game outcomes in the interval [0,1] and therefore uses a different scaling. As a result, the K factors here should be smaller. The default (as used by Tenhou) is a K factor of 0.2 for players that have played a large number of games (see kriichi).

If the number of players varies and base is a vector (of length nn), then if the game has less than nn players, the vector is reduced by successively removing the centre value (for odd lengths) or by averaging both centre values (for even lengths). For example, if the x data frame contains both four-player and three-player mahjong games, then under the default values the three-player base vector becomes c(30,0,-30), which is consistent with the vector that Tenhou uses for three-player mahjong.

A numeric matrix can be used to allocate different base vectors to different games. For example, in Riichi mahjong, games can be Tonpuusen (East round only) or Hanchan (East and South rounds), and you may wish to allocate different base vectors to each type.


Elo, Arpad (1978) The Rating of Chessplayers, Past and Present. Arco. ISBN 0-668-04721-6.

See Also

elo, fide, glicko, kriichi


Run this code
robj <- elom(riichi)

ut <- unique(riichi$Time)
robj <- elom(riichi[riichi$Time == ut[1],])
for(i in 2:length(ut)) {
  robj <- elom(riichi[riichi$Time == ut[i],], status = robj$ratings)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab