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emuR (version 1.0.0)

epggs: Plot a grey-scale image of palatographic data.


The function plots a grey-scale image of palatographic data such that the greyness in cell r, c is in proportion to the frequency of contacts in cells of row r and columns c of all palatograms in the object passed to this function.


epggs(epgdata, gscale = 100, gridlines = TRUE, gridcol = "gray",
  gridlty = 1, axes = TRUE, xlab = "", ylab = "", ...)



An eight-columned EPG-compressed trackdata object, or an eight columned matrix of EPG-compressed trackdata, or a 3D palatographic array that is the output of palate()


a single valued numeric vector that defines the granularity of the greyscale. Defaults to 100.


if T (default) grid lines over the palatographic image are drawn are drawn.


color of grid


A single-valued numeric vector that defines the linetype for plotting the grid.


T for show axes, F for no axes


A character vector for the x-axis label.


A character vector for the y-axis label.


graphical parameters can be given as arguments to 'epggs'.


The function plots a grey-scale image of up to 62 values arranged over an 8 x 8 grid with columns 1 and 8 unfilled for row 1. If cell row r column c is contacted for all palatograms in the object that is passed to this function, the corresponding cell is black; if none of of the cells in row r column c are contacted, then the cell is white (unfilled).

See Also

epgai epgcog epgplot palate


Run this code
# greyscale image across the first two segments 'just relax'
# with title
epggs(coutts.epg[1:2,], main="just relax")

# as above but with dotted gridlines in blue
epggs(coutts.epg[1:2,], main="just relax", gridlty=2, gridcol="blue")

# as the first example, but with greyscale set to 2
epggs(coutts.epg[1:2,], 2, main="just relax")

# get palatograms for "S" from the polhom.epg database
temp = polhom.l == "S"
# greyscale image of all "S" segments at their temporal midpoint
epggs(dcut(polhom.epg[temp,], 0.5, prop=TRUE))

# greyscale image of all "S" segments from their onset to offset

# the same but derived from palates
p <- palate(polhom.epg[temp,])

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab