#desc <- describe(attitude)
#x <- desc[1,]
#y <- desc[2,]
#plot(x$mean,y$mean) #in graphics window
#error.crosses(x,y) #in graphics window
## The function is currently defined as
function (x,y,labels=NULL,pos=NULL,arrow.len=.2,...) # x and y are data frame with
{z <- dim(x)[1]
if (length(pos)==0) {locate <- rep(1,z)} else {locate <- pos}
if (length(labels)==0) lab <- rep("",z) else lab <-labels
for (i in 1:z)
{xcen <- x$mean[i]
ycen <- y$mean[i]
xse <- x$se[i]
yse <- y$se[i]
arrows(xcen-xse,ycen,xcen+xse,ycen,length=arrow.len, angle = 90,
code=3,col = par("fg"), lty = NULL, lwd = par("lwd"), xpd = NULL)
arrows(xcen,ycen-yse,xcen,ycen+yse,length=arrow.len, angle = 90,
code=3,col = par("fg"), lty = NULL, lwd = par("lwd"), xpd = NULL)
#puts in labels for all points
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab