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synapter (version 1.14.2)

estimateMasterFdr: Computes FDR for all possible final peptide combinations


This function takes all possible combination of pepfiles of length greater or equal than 2 and computes the number of estimated incorrect petides, the number of unique peptides, the number of unique protetypic peptides and the false discovery rate after merging for each combination. The best combination has an fdr lower than masterFdr and the highest number of unique (proteotypic) peptides.


estimateMasterFdr(pepfiles, fastafile, masterFdr = 0.025, fdr = 0.01,
  proteotypic = TRUE, missedCleavages = 0, verbose = TRUE)


A list of vector of final peptide filenames.
A character with the fasta filename.
A numeric indicating the maximum merged false discovery to be allowed.
Peptide FDR level for individual peptide files filtering.
Logical. Should number proteotypic peptides be used to choose best combination and plot results or total number of unique peptides.
Number of missed cleavage sites. Default is 0.
Should progress messages be printed?


  • An instance of class "MasterFdrResults". See details above.


The false discovery rate for the master (merged) file is calcualted by summing the number of estimated false discoveries for each individual final peptide file (number of unique peptides in that file multiplied by fdr) divided by the total number of unique peptides for that specific combination.

The function returns an instance of the class "MasterFdrResults".


Bond N. J., Shliaha P.V., Lilley K.S. and Gatto L., (2013) J. Prot. Research.

See Also

The makeMaster function to combine the peptide data as suggested by estimateMasterFdr into one single master peptide file.

The vignette, accessible with synapterGuide() illustrates a complete pipeline using estimateMasterFdr and makeMaster.