estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix: Low-level function to estimate size factors with robust regression.
Given a matrix or data frame of count data, this function estimates the size
factors as follows: Each column is divided by the geometric means of the
rows. The median (or, if requested, another location estimator) of these
ratios (skipping the genes with a geometric mean of zero) is used as the size
factor for this column. Typically, one will not call this function directly, but use
a matrix or data frame of counts, i.e., non-negative integer
a function to compute a location for a sample. By default, the
median is used. However, especially for low counts, the
shorth function from genefilter may give better results.
by default this is not provided, and the
geometric means of the counts are calculated within the function.
A vector of geometric means from another count matrix can be provided
for a "frozen" size factor calculation
optional, numeric or logical index vector specifying those genes to
use for size factor estimation (e.g. housekeeping or spike-in genes)
a vector with the estimates size factors, one element per column