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NMF (version 0.20.6)

rss: Residual Sum of Squares and Explained Variance


rss and evar are S4 generic functions that respectively computes the Residual Sum of Squares (RSS) and explained variance achieved by a model.

The explained variance for a target $V$ is computed as: $$evar = 1 - \frac{RSS}{\sum_{i,j} v_{ij}^2}$$,


rss(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'matrix': rss(object, target)

evar(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ANY': evar(object, target, ...)


an R object with a suitable fitted, rss or evar method.
extra arguments to allow extension, e.g. passed to rss in evar calls.
target matrix


  • a single numeric value


where RSS is the residual sum of squares.

The explained variance is usefull to compare the performance of different models and their ability to accurately reproduce the original target matrix. Note, however, that a possible caveat is that some models explicitly aim at minimizing the RSS (i.e. maximizing the explained variance), while others do not.


Hutchins LN, Murphy SM, Singh P and Graber JH (2008). "Position-dependent motif characterization using non-negative matrix factorization." _Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)_, *24*(23), pp. 2684-90. ISSN 1367-4811, , .

Lee DD and Seung HS (1999). "Learning the parts of objects by non-negative matrix factorization." _Nature_, *401*(6755), pp. 788-91. ISSN 0028-0836, , .


Run this code
# roxygen generated flag

# rss,matrix-method
# RSS bewteeen random matrices
x <- rmatrix(20,10, max=50)
y <- rmatrix(20,10, max=50)
rss(x, y)
rss(x, x + rmatrix(x, max=0.1))

# rss,ANY-method
# RSS between an NMF model and a target matrix
x <- rmatrix(20, 10)
y <- rnmf(3, x) # random compatible model
rss(y, x)

# fit a model with nmf(): one should do better
y2 <- nmf(x, 3) # default minimizes the KL-divergence
rss(y2, x)
y2 <- nmf(x, 3, 'lee') # 'lee' minimizes the RSS
rss(y2, x)

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