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SpaDES (version 1.3.1)

experiment: Run an experiment using spades


This is essentially a wrapper around the spades call that allows for multiple calls to spades. This function will use a single processor, or multiple processors if beginCluster has been run first or a cluster objects is passed in the cl argument (gives more control to user).


experiment(sim, replicates = 1, params, modules, objects = list(), inputs,
  dirPrefix = "simNum", substrLength = 3, saveExperiment = TRUE,
  experimentFile = "experiment.RData", clearSimEnv = FALSE, notOlderThan,
  cl, ...)

# S4 method for simList experiment(sim, replicates = 1, params, modules, objects = list(), inputs, dirPrefix = "simNum", substrLength = 3, saveExperiment = TRUE, experimentFile = "experiment.RData", clearSimEnv = FALSE, notOlderThan, cl, ...)



A simList simulation object, generally produced by simInit.


The number of replicates to run of the same simList. See details and examples.


Like for simInit, but for each parameter, provide a list of alternative values. See details and examples.


Like for simInit, but a list of module names (as strings). See details and examples.


Like for simInit, but a list of named lists of named objects. See details and examples.


Like for simInit, but a list of inputs data.frames. See details and examples.


String vector. This will be concatenated as a prefix on the directory names. See details and examples.


Numeric. While making outputPath for each spades call, this is the number of characters kept from each factor level. See details and examples.


Logical. Should params, modules, inputs, sim, and resulting experimental design be saved to a file. If TRUE are saved to a single list called experiment. Default TRUE.


String. Filename if saveExperiment is TRUE; saved to outputPath(sim) in .RData format. See Details.


Logical. If TRUE, then the envir(sim) of each simList in the return list is emptied. This is to reduce RAM load of large return object. Default FALSE.


Date. Passed to SpaDES::cache to update the cache. Default is NULL, meaning don't update the cache. If Sys.time() is provided then, it will force a recache. Ignored if cache is FALSE.


A cluster object. Optional. This would generally be created using parallel::makeCluster or equivalent. This is an alternative way, instead of beginCluster(), to use parallelism for this function, allowing for more control over cluster use.


Passed to spades. Specifically, debug, .plotInitialTime, .saveInitialTime, cache and/or notOlderThan. Caching is still experimental. It is tested to work under some conditions, but not all. See details.


Invisibly returns a list of the resulting simList objects from the fully factorial experiment. This list has an attribute, which a list with 2 elements: the experimental design provided in a wide data.frame and the experiment values in a long data.frame. There is also a file saved with these two data.frames. It is named whatever is passed into experimentFile. Since returned list of simList objects may be large, the user is not obliged to return this object (as it is returned invisibly). Clearly, there may be objects saved during simulations. This would be determined as per a normal spades call, using outputs like, say, outputs(sims[[1]]).


Generally, there are 2 reasons to do this: replication and varying simulation inputs to accomplish some sort of simulation experiment. This function deals with both of these cases. In the case of varying inputs, this function will attempt to create a fully factorial experiment among all levels of the variables passed into the function. If all combinations do not make sense, e.g., if parameters and modules are varied, and some of the parameters don't exist in all combinations of modules, then the function will do an "all meaningful combinations" factorial experiment. Likewise, fully factorial combinations of parameters and inputs may not be the desired behaviour. The function requires a simList object, acting as the basis for the experiment, plus optional inputs and/or objects and/or params and/or modules and/or replications.

This function requires a complete simList: this simList will form the basis of the modifications as passed by params, modules, inputs, and objects. All params, modules, inputs or objects passed into this function will override the corresponding params, modules, inputs, or identically named objects that are in the sim argument.

This function is parallel aware, using the same mechanism as used in the raster package. Specifically, if you start a cluster using beginCluster, then this experiment function will automatically use that cluster. It is always a good idea to stop the cluster when finished, using endCluster.

Here are generic examples of how params, modules, objects, and inputs should be structured.

params = list(moduleName = list(paramName = list(val1, val2))).

modules = list(c("module1","module2"), c("module1","module3"))

objects = list(objName = list(object1=object1, object2=object2))

inputs = list( data.frame(file = pathToFile1, loadTime = 0, objectName = "landscape", stringsAsFactors = FALSE), data.frame(file = pathToFile2, loadTime = 0, objectName = "landscape", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) )

Output directories are changed using this function: this is one of the dominant side effects of this function. If there are only replications, then a set of subdirectories will be created, one for each replicate. If there are varying parameters and or modules, outputPath is updated to include a subdirectory for each level of the experiment. These are not nested, i.e., even if there are nested factors, all subdirectories due to the experimental setup will be at the same level. Replicates will be one level below this. The subdirectory names will include the module(s), parameter names, the parameter values, and input index number (i.e., which row of the inputs data.frame). The default rule for naming is a concatenation of:

1. The experiment level (arbitrarily starting at 1). This is padded with zeros if there are many experiment levels.

2. The module, parameter name and parameter experiment level (not the parameter value, as values could be complex), for each parameter that is varying.

3. The module set.

4. The input index number

5. Individual identifiers are separated by a dash.

6. Module - Parameter - Parameter index triplets are separated by underscore.

e.g., a folder called: 01-fir_spr_1-car_N_1-inp_1 would be the first experiment level (01), the first parameter value for the spr* parameter of the fir* module, the first parameter value of the N parameter of the car* module, and the first input dataset provided.

This subdirectory name could be long if there are many dimensions to the experiment. The parameter substrLength determines the level of truncation of the parameter, module and input names for these subdirectories. For example, the resulting directory name for changes to the spreadprob parameter in the fireSpread module and the N parameter in the caribouMovement module would be: 1_fir_spr_1-car_N_1 if substrLength is 3, the default.

Replication is treated slightly differently. outputPath is always 1 level below the experiment level for a replicate. If the call to experiment is not a factorial experiment (i.e., it is just replication), then the default is to put the replicate subdirectories at the top level of outputPath. To force this one level down, dirPrefix can be used or a manual change to outputPath before the call to experiment.

dirPrefix can be used to give custom names to directories for outputs. There is a special value, "simNum", that is used as default, which is an arbitrary number associated with the experiment. This corresponds to the row number in the attr(sims, "experiment"). This "simNum" can be used with other strings, such as dirPrefix = c("expt", "simNum").

The experiment structure is kept in two places: the return object has an attribute, and a file named experiment.RData (see argument experimentFile) located in outputPath(sim).

substrLength, if 0, will eliminate the subfolder naming convention and use only dirPrefix.

If cache = TRUE is passed, then this will pass this to spades, with the additional argument replicate = x, where x is the replicate number. That means that if a user runs experiment with replicate = 4 and cache = TRUE, then SpaDES will run 4 replicates, caching the results, including replicate = 1, replicate = 2, replicate = 3, and replicate = 4. Thus, if a second call to experiment with the exact same simList is passed, and replicates = 6, the first 4 will be taken from the cached copies, and replicate 5 and 6 will be run (and cached) as normal. If notOlderThan used with a time that is more recent than the cached copy, then a new spades will be done, and the cached copy will be deleted from the cache repository, so there will only ever be one copy of a particular replicate for a particular simList. NOTE: caching may not work as desired on a Windows machine because the sqlite database can only be written to one at a time, so there may be collisions.

See Also

simInit, SpaDES


Run this code
if (interactive()) {
  library(igraph) # use %>% in a few examples

  tmpdir <- file.path(tempdir(), "examples")

  # Create a default simList object for use through these examples
  mySim <- simInit(
    times = list(start = 0.0, end = 2.0, timeunit = "year"),
    params = list(
      .globals = list(stackName = "landscape", burnStats = "nPixelsBurned"),
      # Turn off interactive plotting
      fireSpread = list(.plotInitialTime = NA),
      caribouMovement = list(.plotInitialTime = NA),
      randomLandscapes = list(.plotInitialTime = NA)
    modules = list("randomLandscapes", "fireSpread", "caribouMovement"),
    paths = list(modulePath = system.file("sampleModules", package = "SpaDES"),
                 outputPath = tmpdir),
    # Save final state of landscape and caribou
    outputs = data.frame(objectName = c("landscape", "caribou"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # Example 1 - test alternative parameter values
  # Create an experiment - here, 2 x 2 x 2 (2 levels of 2 params in fireSpread,
  #    and 2 levels of 1 param in caribouMovement)

  # Here is a list of alternative values for each parameter. They are length one
  #   numerics here -- e.g., list(0.2, 0.23) for spreadprob in fireSpread module,
  #   but they can be anything, as long as it is a list.
  experimentParams <- list(fireSpread = list(spreadprob = list(0.2, 0.23),
                                             nFires = list(20, 10)),
                           caribouMovement = list(N = list(100, 1000)))

  sims <- experiment(mySim, params = experimentParams)

  # see experiment:
  attr(sims, "experiment")

  # Read in outputs from sims object
  FireMaps <- do.call(stack, lapply(1:NROW(attr(sims, "experiment")$expDesign),
                                    function(x) sims[[x]]$landscape$Fires))
  if (interactive()) Plot(FireMaps, new = TRUE)

  # Or reload objects from files, useful if sim objects too large to store in RAM
  caribouMaps <- lapply(sims, function(sim) {
    caribou <- readRDS(outputs(sim)$file[outputs(sim)$objectName == "caribou"])
  names(caribouMaps) <- paste0("caribou", 1:8)
  # Plot whole named list
  if (interactive()) Plot(caribouMaps, size = 0.1)

  # Example 2 - test alternative modules
  # Example of changing modules, i.e., caribou with and without fires
  # Create an experiment - here, 2 x 2 x 2 (2 levels of 2 params in fireSpread,
  #    and 2 levels of 1 param in caribouMovement)
  experimentModules <- list(
    c("randomLandscapes", "fireSpread", "caribouMovement"),
    c("randomLandscapes", "caribouMovement"))
  sims <- experiment(mySim, modules = experimentModules)
  attr(sims, "experiment")$expVals # shows 2 alternative experiment levels

  # Example 3 - test alternative parameter values and modules
  # Note, this isn't fully factorial because all parameters are not
  #   defined inside smaller module list
  sims <- experiment(mySim, modules = experimentModules, params = experimentParams)
  attr(sims, "experiment")$expVals # shows 10 alternative experiment levels

  # Example 4 - manipulate manipulate directory names -
  #  "simNum" is special value for dirPrefix, it is converted to 1, 2, ...
  sims <- experiment(mySim, params = experimentParams, dirPrefix = c("expt", "simNum"))
  attr(sims, "experiment")$expVals # shows 8 alternative experiment levels, 24 unique
                                   #   parameter values

  # Example 5 - doing replicate runs -
  sims <- experiment(mySim, replicates = 2)
  attr(sims, "experiment")$expDesign # shows 2 replicates of same experiment

  # Example 6 - doing replicate runs, but within a sub-directory
  sims <- experiment(mySim, replicates = 2, dirPrefix = c("expt"))
  lapply(sims, outputPath) # shows 2 replicates of same experiment, within a sub directory

  # Example 7 - doing replicate runs, of a complex, non factorial experiment.
  # Here we do replication, parameter variation, and module variation all together.
  # This creates 20 combinations.
  # The experiment function tries to make fully factorial, but won't
  # if all the levels don't make sense. Here, changing parameter values
  # in the fireSpread module won't affect the simulation when the fireSpread
  # module is not loaded:
  # library(raster)
  # beginCluster(20) # if you have multiple clusters available, use them here to save time
  sims <- experiment(mySim, replicates = 2, params = experimentParams,
                     modules = experimentModules,
                     dirPrefix = c("expt", "simNum"))
  # endCluster() # end the clusters
  attr(sims, "experiment")

  # Example 8 - Use replication to build a probability map.
  # For this to be meaningful, we need to provide a fixed input landscape,
  #   not a randomLandscape for each experiment level. So requires 2 steps.
  # Step 1 - run randomLandscapes module twice to get 2 randomly
  #  generated landscape maps. We will use 1 right away, and we will
  #  use the two further below
  mySimRL <- simInit(
    times = list(start = 0.0, end = 0.1, timeunit = "year"),
    params = list(
      .globals = list(stackName = "landscape"),
      # Turn off interactive plotting
      randomLandscapes = list(.plotInitialTime = NA)
    modules = list("randomLandscapes"),
    paths = list(modulePath = system.file("sampleModules", package = "SpaDES"),
                 outputPath = file.path(tmpdir, "landscapeMaps1")),
    outputs = data.frame(objectName = "landscape", saveTime = 0, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # Run it twice to get two copies of the randomly generated landscape
  mySimRLOut <- experiment(mySimRL, replicate = 2)

  #extract one of the random landscapes, which will be passed into next as an object
  landscape <- mySimRLOut[[1]]$landscape

  # here we don't run the randomLandscapes module; instead we pass in a landscape
  #  as an object, i.e., a fixed input
  mySimNoRL <- simInit(
    times = list(start = 0.0, end = 1, timeunit = "year"), # only 1 year to save time
    params = list(
      .globals = list(stackName = "landscape", burnStats = "nPixelsBurned"),
      # Turn off interactive plotting
      fireSpread = list(.plotInitialTime = NA),
      caribouMovement = list(.plotInitialTime = NA)
    modules = list("fireSpread", "caribouMovement"), # No randomLandscapes modules
    paths = list(modulePath = system.file("sampleModules", package = "SpaDES"),
                 outputPath = tmpdir),
    objects = c("landscape"), # Pass in the object here
    # Save final state (the default if saveTime is not specified) of landscape and caribou
    outputs = data.frame(objectName = c("landscape", "caribou"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # Put outputs into a specific folder to keep them easy to find
  outputPath(mySimNoRL) <- file.path(tmpdir, "example8")
  sims <- experiment(mySimNoRL, replicates = 8) # Run experiment
  attr(sims, "experiment") # shows the experiment, which in this case is just replicates

  # list all files that were saved called 'landscape'
  landscapeFiles <- dir(outputPath(mySimNoRL), recursive = TRUE, pattern = "landscape",
                        full.names = TRUE)

  # Can read in Fires layers from disk since they were saved, or from the sims
  #  object
  # Fires <- lapply(sims, function(x) x$landscape$Fires) %>% stack
  Fires <- lapply(landscapeFiles, function(x) readRDS(x)$Fires) %>% stack()
  Fires[Fires > 0] <- 1 # convert to 1s and 0s
  fireProb <- sum(Fires)/nlayers(Fires) # sum them and convert to probability
  if (interactive()) Plot(fireProb, new = TRUE)

  # Example 9 - Pass in inputs, i.e., input data objects taken from disk
  #  Here, we, again, don't provide randomLandscapes module, so we need to
  #  provide an input stack called lanscape. We point to the 2 that we have
  #  saved to disk in Example 8
  mySimInputs <- simInit(
    times = list(start = 0.0, end = 2.0, timeunit = "year"),
    params = list(
      .globals = list(stackName = "landscape", burnStats = "nPixelsBurned"),
      # Turn off interactive plotting
      fireSpread = list(.plotInitialTime = NA),
      caribouMovement = list(.plotInitialTime = NA)
    modules = list("fireSpread", "caribouMovement"),
    paths = list(modulePath = system.file("sampleModules", package = "SpaDES"),
                 outputPath = tmpdir),
    # Save final state of landscape and caribou
    outputs = data.frame(objectName = c("landscape", "caribou"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  landscapeFiles <- dir(tmpdir, pattern = "landscape_year0", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)

  # Varying inputs files - This could be combined with params, modules, replicates also
  outputPath(mySimInputs) <- file.path(tmpdir, "example9")
  sims <- experiment(mySimInputs,
                     inputs = lapply(landscapeFiles,function(filenames) {
                       data.frame(file = filenames, loadTime = 0,
                                  objectName = "landscape",
                                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE) })

  # load in experimental design object
  experiment <- load(file = file.path(tmpdir, "example9", "experiment.RData")) %>% get()
  print(experiment) # shows input files and details

  # Example 10 - Use a very simple output dir name using substrLength = 0,
  #   i.e., just the simNum is used for outputPath of each spades call
  outputPath(mySim) <- file.path(tmpdir, "example10")
  sims <- experiment(mySim, modules = experimentModules, replicates = 2,
                     substrLength = 0)
  lapply(sims, outputPath) # shows that the path is just the simNum
  experiment <- load(file = file.path(tmpdir, "example10", "experiment.RData")) %>% get()
  print(experiment) # shows input files and details

  # Example 11 - use clearSimEnv = TRUE to remove objects from simList
  # This will shrink size of return object, which may be useful because the
  #  return from experiment function may be a large object (it is a list of
  # simLists). To see size of a simList, you have to look at the objects
  #  contained in the  envir(simList).  These can be obtained via objs(sim)
  sapply(sims, function(x) object.size(objs(x))) %>% sum + object.size(sims)
  # around 3 MB
  # rerun with clearSimEnv = TRUE
  sims <- experiment(mySim, modules = experimentModules, replicates = 2,
                     substrLength = 0, clearSimEnv = TRUE)
  sapply(sims, function(x) object.size(objs(x))) %>% sum + object.size(sims)
  # around 250 kB, i.e., all the simList contents except the objects.

  # Example 12 - pass in objects
  experimentObj <- list(landscape = lapply(landscapeFiles, readRDS) %>%
  # Pass in this list of landscape objects
  sims <- experiment(mySimNoRL, objects = experimentObj)

  # Remove all temp files
  unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE)
# }

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