This function requires data to have been dumped to disk: see ?dump2dir
and ?setoutput
. extract.lgcpPredict
extracts chunks of data that have been dumped to disk. The subset of data can either be specified using an (x,y,t,s) box or (window,t,s) region
where window is a polygonal subregion of interest.
# S3 method for lgcpPredict
x = NULL,
y = NULL,
s = -1,
inWindow = NULL,
crop2parentwindow = TRUE,
an object of class lgcpPredict
range of x-indices: vector (eg c(2,4)) corresponding to desired subset of x coordinates. If equal to -1, then all cells in this dimension are extracted
range of y-indices as above
range of t-indices: time indices of interest
range of s-indices ie the simulation indices of interest
an observation owin window over which to extract the data (alternative to specifying x and y).
logical: whether to only extract cells inside obj$xyt$window (the 'parent window')
additional arguments
extracted array