CoefSP8A44 <- subset(pumpCoef, Qn == 8 & stages == 44)
fSP8A44 <- fPump(pump = CoefSP8A44,H = 40)
SP8A44 = with(fSP8A44,{
Pac = seq(lim[1],lim[2],by = 100)
Pb = fPb(Pac)
etam = Pb/Pac
Ph = fPh(Pac)
etab = Ph/Pb
f = fFreq(Pac)
Q = fQ(Pac)
result = data.frame(Q,Pac,Pb,Ph,etam,etab,f)})
#Efficiency of the motor, pump and the motor-pump
SP8A44$etamb = with(SP8A44,etab*etam)
lab = c(expression(eta[motor]), expression(eta[pump]), expression(eta[mp]))
p <- xyplot(etam + etab + etamb ~ Pac,data = SP8A44,type = 'l', ylab = 'Efficiency')
p+glayer(panel.text(x[1], y[1], lab[group.number], pos = 3))
#Mechanical, hydraulic and electrical power
lab = c(expression(P[pump]), expression(P[hyd]))
p <- xyplot(Pb + Ph ~ Pac,data = SP8A44,type = 'l', ylab = 'Power (W)', xlab = 'AC Power (W)')
p+glayer(panel.text(x[length(x)], y[length(x)], lab[group.number], pos = 3))
#Flow and electrical power
xyplot(Q ~ Pac,data = SP8A44,type = 'l')
# }
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