Learn R Programming

tcR (version 2.3.2)

find.similar.sequences: Find similar sequences.


Return matrix M with two columns. For each element in row i and column j M[i,j] => distance between pattern(i) and data(j) sequences equal to or less than .max.errors. This function will uppercase .data and remove all strings, which have anything than A-Z letters.


find.similar.sequences(.data, .patterns = c(), .method = c('exact', 'hamm', 'lev'),
                       .max.errors = 1, .verbose = T, .clear = F)

exact.match(.data, .patterns = c(), .verbose = T)

hamming.match(.data, .patterns = c(), .max.errors = 1, .verbose = T)

levenshtein.match(.data, .patterns = c(), .max.errors = 1, .verbose = T)



Vector of strings.


Character vector of sequences, which will be used for searching for neighbours.


Which method use: 'exact' for exact matching, 'hamm' for Hamming Distance, 'lev' for Levenshtein distance.


Max Hamming or Levenshtein distance between strings. Doesn't use in 'exact' setting.


Should function print progress or not. // DON'T USE IT


if T then remove all sequences with character "*" or "~".


Matrix with two columns [i,j], dist(data(i), data(j)) <= .max.errors.