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spocc (version 0.7.0)

fixnames: Change names to be the same for each taxon.


That is, this function attempts to take all the names that are synonyms, for whatever reason (e.g., some names have authorities on them), and collapses them to the same string - making data easier to deal with for making maps, etc.


fixnames(obj, how = "shortest", namevec = NULL)



An object of class occdat


One of a few different methods:

  • shortest Takes the shortest name string that is likely to be the prettiest to display name, and replaces alll names with that one, better for maps, etc.

  • query This method takes the names you orginally queried on (in the occdat object), and replaces names in the occurrence data with them.

  • supplied If this method, supply a vector of names to replace the names with


A vector of names to replace names in the occurrence data.frames with. Only used if how="supplied"


An object of class occdat.


Run this code
spp <- c('Danaus plexippus','Accipiter striatus','Pinus contorta')
dat <- occ(spp, from='gbif', gbifopts=list(hasCoordinate=TRUE), limit=50)
fixnames(dat, how="shortest")$gbif
fixnames(dat, how="query")$gbif
fixnames(dat, how="supplied", namevec = c('abc', 'def', 'ghi'))$gbif

dat <- occ(spp, from='ecoengine', limit=50)
## doesn't changes things
fixnames(dat, how="shortest")$ecoengine$data$Danaus_plexippus
## this is better
fixnames(dat, how="query")$ecoengine$data$Danaus_plexippus
## or this
fixnames(dat, how="supplied", 
 namevec = c("Danaus","Accipiter","Pinus"))$ecoengine$data$Danaus_plexippus
# }

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