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Maximum-likelihood fitting for peaks over threshold modelling, using the Generalized Pareto or Point Process representation, allowing any of the parameters to be held fixed if desired.
fpot(x, threshold, model = c("gpd", "pp"), start, npp = length(x),
cmax = FALSE, r = 1, ulow = -Inf, rlow = 1, mper = NULL, ...,
std.err = TRUE, corr = FALSE, method = "BFGS", warn.inf = TRUE)
Returns an object of class c("pot","uvevd","pot")
The generic accessor functions fitted
), std.errors
extract various features of the
returned object.
The function profile
can be
used to obtain deviance profiles for the model parameters.
In particular, profiles of the
return level
compares nested models.
The function plot
produces diagnostic plots.
An object of class c("pot","uvevd","evd")
is a list containing
the following components
A vector containing the maximum likelihood estimates.
A vector containing the standard errors.
A vector containing the parameters of the model that have been held fixed.
A vector containing all parameters (optimized and fixed).
The deviance at the maximum likelihood estimates.
The correlation matrix.
The variance covariance matrix.
Components taken from the
list returned by optim
The arguments of the same name.
The number of exceedences (if cmax
) or the number of clusters of exceedences (if
The number and proportion of exceedences.
The estimate of the extremal index (i.e.
divided by nat
). If cmax
, this is NULL
The data passed to the argument x
The exceedences, or the maxima of the clusters of exceedences.
The argument mper
The scale parameter for the fitted generalized Pareto
distribution. If mper
and model = "gpd"
(the defaults), this will also be an element of param
The call of the current function.
A numeric vector. If this contains missing values, those values are treated as if they fell below the threshold.
The threshold.
The model; either "gpd"
(the default) or
, for the Generalized Pareto or Point Process
representations respectively.
A named list giving the initial values for the
parameters over which the likelihood is to be maximized.
If start
is omitted the routine attempts to find good
starting values using moment estimators.
The data should contain npp
observations per
``period'', where the return level plot produced by
will represent return periods in units of
``periods''. By default npp = length(x)
, so that the
``period'' is the period of time over which the entire
data set is collected. It may often be useful to change
this default so that more sensible units are used.
For example, if yearly periodic units are required, use
npp = 365.25
for daily data and npp = 52.18
for weekly data. The argument only makes a difference to
the actual fit if mper
is not NULL
or if
model = "pp"
(see Details).
Logical; if FALSE
(the default), the model
is fitted using all exceedences over the threshold. If
, the model is fitted using cluster maxima, using
clusters of exceedences derived from clusters
Arguments used for the identification of
clusters of exceedences (see clusters
Ignored if cmax
(the default).
Controls the parameterization of the generalized
Pareto model. Should be either NULL
(the default),
or a positive number (see Details).
If mper
is not NULL
and model = "pp"
an error is returned.
Additional parameters, either for the model
or for the optimization function optim
. If parameters
of the model are included they will be held fixed at the
values given (see Examples).
Logical; if TRUE
(the default), the standard
errors are returned.
Logical; if TRUE
, the correlation matrix is
The optimization method (see optim
Logical; if TRUE
(the default), a warning is
given if the negative log-likelihood is infinite when evaluated at
the starting values.
The standard errors and the correlation matrix in the returned
object are taken from the observed information, calculated by a
numerical approximation.
They must be interpreted with caution when the shape parameter
is less than
The exeedances over the threshold threshold
(if cmax
) or the maxima of the clusters of exeedances (if
) are (if model = "gpd"
) fitted to a
generalized Pareto distribution (GPD) with location threshold
If model = "pp"
the exceedances are fitted to a
non-homogeneous Poisson process (Coles, 2001).
If mper
(the default), the parameters of
the model (if model = "gpd"
) are scale
, for the scale and shape parameters of the GPD.
If model = "pp"
the parameters are loc
, scale
and shape
. Under model = "pp"
the parameters can be
interpreted as parameters of the Generalized Extreme Value
distribution, fitted to the maxima of npp
random variables.
In this case, the value of npp
should be reasonably large.
For both characterizations, the shape parameters are
equivalent. The scale parameter under the generalized Pareto
characterization is equal to
If rlevel
and shape
, where
is the npp
The mper
is infinite, then threshold
Smith, R. L. (1985) Maximum likelihood estimation in a class of non-regular cases. Biometrika, 72, 67--90.
, optim
, profile.evd
, mrlplot
uvdata <- rgpd(100, loc = 0, scale = 1.1, shape = 0.2)
M1 <- fpot(uvdata, 1)
M2 <- fpot(uvdata, 1, shape = 0)
anova(M1, M2)
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
if (FALSE) M1P <- profile(M1)
if (FALSE) plot(M1P)
M1 <- fpot(uvdata, 1, mper = 10)
M2 <- fpot(uvdata, 1, mper = 100)
if (FALSE) M1P <- profile(M1, which = "rlevel", conf=0.975, mesh=0.1)
if (FALSE) M2P <- profile(M2, which = "rlevel", conf=0.975, mesh=0.1)
if (FALSE) plot(M1P)
if (FALSE) plot(M2P)
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