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MXM (version 0.9.7)

Discovering Multiple, Statistically-Equivalent Signatures


Feature selection methods for identifying minimal, statistically-equivalent and equally-predictive feature subsets. Bayesian network algorithms and related functions are also included. The package name 'MXM' stands for "Mens eX Machina", meaning "Mind from the Machine" in Latin.

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December 20th, 2016

Functions in MXM (0.9.7)

Conditional independence tests for survival data

Conditional independence test for survival data
BIC based forward selection with generalised linear models

Variable selection in generalised linear models with forward selection based on BIC
Many simple beta regressions

Many simple beta regressions.
Beta regression

Beta regression
ROC and area under the curve

ROC and area under the curve
Cross-Validation for SES and MMPC

Cross-Validation for SES and MMPC
BIC based forward selection

Variable selection in regression models with forward selection using BIC
Correlation based tests with and without permutation p-value

Fisher conditional independence test for continuous class variables with and without permutation based p-value
Transformation of a DAG into an essential graph

Transforms a DAG into an essential graph
Backward selection regression

Variable selection in regression models with backward selection
Backward selection with generalised linear regression models

Variable selection in generalised linear regression models with backward selection
Generate random folds for cross-validation

Generate random folds for cross-validation

Class "mases.output"

Class "mammpc.output"
Forward selection with generalised linear regression models

Variable selection in generalised linear regression models with forward selection
Constraint based feature selection algorithms for multiple datasets

ma.ses: Feature selection algorithm for identifying multiple minimal, statistically-equivalent and equally-predictive feature signatures with multiple datasets ma.mmpc: Feature selection algorithm for identifying minimal feature subsets with multiple datasets
Check Markov equivalence of two DAGs

Check Markov equivalence of two DAGs
Forward selection with linear regression models

Variable selection in linear regression models with forward selection
Forward selection regression

Variable selection in regression models with forward selection
Skeleton of the max-min hill-climbing (MMHC) algorithm

The skeleton of a Bayesian network as produced by MMHC

Class "MMPCoutput"

This is an R package that currently implements feature selection methods for identifying minimal, statistically-equivalent and equally-predictive feature subsets. In addition, two algorithms for constructing the skeleton of a Bayesian network are included.
Orientation rules for the PC algorithm

The orientations part of the PC algorithm.
MMPC solution paths for many combinations of hyper-parameters

MMPC solution paths for many combinations of hyper-parameters
The max-min Markov blanket algorithm

Max-min Markov blanket algorithm

Class "MMPC.temporal.output"

Internal MXM Functions
CondInditional independence tests

MXM Conditional independence tests
Partial correlation between two variables

Partial correlation
Neighbours of nodes in an undirected graph

Returns and plots, if asked, the node(s) and their neighbour(s), if there are any.
Constraint based feature selection algorithms

SES: Feature selection algorithm for identifying multiple minimal, statistically-equivalent and equally-predictive feature signatures MMPC: Feature selection algorithm for identifying minimal feature subsets
Interactive plot of an (un)directed graph

Interactive plot of an (un)directed graph
Data simulation from a DAG

Simulation of data from DAG (directed acyclic graph)
Regression models based on SES and MMPC outputs

Regression model(s) obtained from SES or MMPC
Regression models fitting

Regression modelling
Ridge regression coefficients plot

Ridge regression
Skeleton of the PC algorithm

The skeleton of a Bayesian network produced by the PC algorithm
Cross-validation for ridge regression

Cross validation for the ridge regression
Permutation based p-value for the Pearson correlation coefficient

Permutation based p-value for the Pearson correlation coefficient
Ridge regression

Ridge regression
Constraint based feature selection algorithms for longitudinal and clustered data

SES.temporal: Feature selection algorithm for identifying multiple minimal, statistically-equivalent and equally-predictive feature signatures MMPC.temporal: Feature selection algorithm for identifying minimal feature subsets
Conditional independence test for binary, categorical or ordinal data

Conditional independence test for binary, categorical or ordinal class variables
Conditional independence test for longitudinal and clustered data

Linear mixed models conditional independence test for longitudinal class variables

Class "SESoutput"
Conditional independence test for proportions/percentages

Beta regression conditional independence test for proportions/percentage class dependent variables and mixed predictors
Correlation based conditonal independence tests

Fisher and Spearman conditional independence test for continuous class variables
Plot of longitudinal data

Plot of longitudinal data
Conditional independence tests for sucess rates

Binomial regression conditional independence test for success rates (binomial)
Conditional independence test for case control data

Conditional independence test based on conditional logistic regression for case control studies

Class "SES.temporal.output"
Conditional independence test for continuous, binary and count data with thousands of samples

Conditional independence test for continuous, binary and discrete (counts) variables with thousands of observations
Undirected path(s) between two nodes

Undirected path(s) between two nodes
Zero inflated Poisson regression

Zero inflated Poisson regression
Conditional independence tests for count data

Regression conditional independence test for discrete (counts) class dependent variables
Many simple zero inflated Poisson regressions

Many simple zero inflated Poisson regressions.
Conditional independence tests for continous univariate and multivariate data

Linear (and non-linear) regression conditional independence test for continous univariate and multivariate response variables