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gamlss (version 5.1-4)

gamlss: Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape


Returns an object of class "gamlss", which is a generalized additive model for location scale and shape (GAMLSS). The function gamlss() is very similar to the gam() function in S-plus (now also in R in package gam), but can fit more distributions (not only the ones belonging to the exponential family) and can model all the parameters of the distribution as functions of the explanatory variables (e.g. using linear, non-linear, smoothing, loess and random effects terms).

This implementation of gamlss() allows modelling of up to four parameters in a distribution family, which are conventionally called mu, sigma, nu and tau.

The function gamlssNews() shows what is new in the current implementation.


gamlss(formula = formula(data), sigma.formula = ~1, 
        nu.formula = ~1, tau.formula = ~1, family = NO(), 
        data = sys.parent(), weights = NULL, 
        contrasts = NULL, method = RS(),  start.from = NULL,  
        mu.start = NULL,  sigma.start = NULL, 
        nu.start = NULL, tau.start = NULL, 
        mu.fix = FALSE, sigma.fix = FALSE, nu.fix = FALSE, 
        tau.fix = FALSE, control = gamlss.control(...), 
        i.control = glim.control(...), ...)



a formula object, with the response on the left of an ~ operator, and the terms, separated by \(+\) operators, on the right. Nonparametric smoothing terms are indicated by pb() for penalised beta splines, cs for smoothing splines, lo for loess smooth terms and random or ra for random terms, e.g. y~cs(x,df=5)+x1+x2*x3. Additional smoothers can be added by creating the appropriate interface. Interactions with nonparametric smooth terms are not fully supported, but will not produce errors; they will simply produce the usual parametric interaction


a formula object for fitting a model to the sigma parameter, as in the formula above, e.g. sigma.formula=~cs(x,df=5). It can be abbreviated to sigma.fo=~cs(x,df=5).


a formula object for fitting a model to the nu parameter, e.g. nu.fo=~x


a formula object for fitting a model to the tau parameter, e.g. tau.fo=~cs(x,df=2)


a gamlss.family object, which is used to define the distribution and the link functions of the various parameters. The distribution families supported by gamlss() can be found in gamlss.family. Functions such as BI() (binomial) produce a family object. Also can be given without the parentheses i.e. BI. Family functions can take arguments, as in BI(mu.link=probit)


a data frame containing the variables occurring in the formula. If this is missing, the variables should be on the search list. e.g. data=aids


a vector of weights. Note that this is not the same as in the glm() or gam() function. Here weights can be used to weight out observations (like in subset) or for a weighted likelihood analysis where the contribution of the observations to the likelihood differs according to weights. The length of weights must be the same as the number of observations in the data. By default, the weight is set to one. To set weights to vector w use weights=w


list of contrasts to be used for some or all of the factors appearing as variables in the model formula. The names of the list should be the names of the corresponding variables. The elements should either be contrast-type matrices (matrices with as many rows as levels of the factor and with columns linearly independent of each other and of a column of ones), or else they should be functions that compute such contrast matrices.


the current algorithms for GAMLSS are RS(), CG() and mixed(). i.e. method=RS() will use the Rigby and Stasinopoulos algorithm, method=CG() will use the Cole and Green algorithm and mixed(2,10) will use the RS algorithm twice before switching to the Cole and Green algorithm for up to 10 extra iterations


a fitted GAMLSS model which the fitted values will be used as staring values for the current model


vector or scalar of initial values for the location parameter mu e.g. mu.start=4


vector or scalar of initial values for the scale parameter sigma e.g. sigma.start=1


vector or scalar of initial values for the parameter nu e.g. nu.start=3


vector or scalar of initial values for the location parameter tau e.g. tau.start=2


whether the mu parameter should be kept fixed in the fitting processes e.g. mu.fix=FALSE


whether the sigma parameter should be kept fixed in the fitting processes e.g. sigma.fix=FALSE


whether the nu parameter should be kept fixed in the fitting processes e.g. nu.fix=FALSE


whether the tau parameter should be kept fixed in the fitting processes e.g. tau.fix=FALSE


this sets the control parameters of the outer iterations algorithm. The default setting is the gamlss.control function


this sets the control parameters of the inner iterations of the RS algorithm. The default setting is the glim.control function

for extra arguments


an object


Returns a gamlss object with components


the distribution family of the gamlss object (see gamlss.family)


the name of the fitted parameters i.e. mu, sigma, nu, tau


the call of the gamlss function


the response variable


the gamlss fit control settings


the vector of weights


the global deviance


the number of observations in the fit


a function to calculate the normalized (randomized) quantile residuals of the object


the number of external iterations in the fitting process


the type of the distribution or the response variable (continuous or discrete)


which algorithm is used for the fit, RS(), CG() or mixed()


whether the model fitting has have converged


the normalized (randomized) quantile residuals of the model


the fitted values of the mu model, also sigma.fv, nu.fv, tau.fv for the other parameters if present


the linear predictor of the mu model, also sigma.lp, nu.lp, tau.lp for the other parameters if present


the working variable of the mu model, also sigma.wv, nu.wv, tau.wv for the other parameters if present


the working weights of the mu model, also sigma.wt, nu.wt, tau.wt for the other parameters if present


the link function for the mu model, also sigma.link, nu.link, tau.link for the other parameters if present


the terms for the mu model, also sigma.terms, nu.terms, tau.terms for the other parameters if present


the design matrix for the mu, also sigma.x, nu.x, tau.x for the other parameters if present


the QR decomposition of the mu model, also sigma.qr, nu.qr, tau.qr for the other parameters if present


the linear coefficients of the mu model, also sigma.coefficients, nu.coefficients, tau.coefficients for the other parameters if present


the formula for the mu model, also sigma.formula, nu.formula, tau.formula for the other parameters if present


the mu degrees of freedom also sigma.df, nu.df, tau.df for the other parameters if present


the non linear degrees of freedom, also sigma.nl.df, nu.nl.df, tau.nl.df for the other parameters if present


the total degrees of freedom use by the model


the residual degrees of freedom left after the model is fitted


the Akaike information criterion


the Bayesian information criterion


Respect the parameter hierarchy when you are fitting a model. For example a good model for mu should be fitted before a model for sigma is fitted


The Generalized Additive Model for Location, Scale and Shape is a general class of statistical models for a univariate response variable. The model assumes independent observations of the response variable y given the parameters, the explanatory variables and the values of the random effects. The distribution for the response variable in the GAMLSS can be selected from a very general family of distributions including highly skew and/or kurtotic continuous and discrete distributions, see gamlss.family. The systematic part of the model is expanded to allow modelling not only of the mean (or location) parameter, but also of the other parameters of the distribution of y, as linear parametric and/or additive nonparametric (smooth) functions of explanatory variables and/or random effects terms. Maximum (penalized) likelihood estimation is used to fit the (non)parametric models. A Newton-Raphson/Fisher scoring algorithm is used to maximize the (penalized) likelihood. The additive terms in the model are fitted using a backfitting algorithm.

is.gamlss is a short version is is(object,"gamlss")


Rigby, R. A. and Stasinopoulos D. M. (2005). Generalized additive models for location, scale and shape,(with discussion), Appl. Statist., 54, part 3, pp 507-554.

Stasinopoulos D. M. Rigby R.A. (2007) Generalized additive models for location scale and shape (GAMLSS) in R. Journal of Statistical Software, Vol. 23, Issue 7, Dec 2007, http://www.jstatsoft.org/v23/i07.

Stasinopoulos D. M., Rigby R.A., Heller G., Voudouris V., and De Bastiani F., (2017) Flexible Regression and Smoothing: Using GAMLSS in R, Chapman and Hall/CRC.

(see also http://www.gamlss.org/).

See Also

gamlss.family, pdf.plot, find.hyper


Run this code
mod<-gamlss(y~pb(x),sigma.fo=~pb(x),family=BCT, data=abdom, method=mixed(1,20))
# }

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