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gammagpd: Gamma Bulk and GPD Tail Extreme Value Mixture Model


Density, cumulative distribution function, quantile function and random number generation for the extreme value mixture model with gamma for bulk distribution upto the threshold and conditional GPD above threshold. The parameters are the gamma shape gshape and scale gscale, threshold u GPD scale sigmau and shape xi and tail fraction phiu.


dgammagpd(x, gshape = 1, gscale = 1, u = qgamma(0.9, gshape,
  1/gscale), sigmau = sqrt(gshape) * gscale, xi = 0, phiu = TRUE,
  log = FALSE)

pgammagpd(q, gshape = 1, gscale = 1, u = qgamma(0.9, gshape, 1/gscale), sigmau = sqrt(gshape) * gscale, xi = 0, phiu = TRUE, lower.tail = TRUE)

qgammagpd(p, gshape = 1, gscale = 1, u = qgamma(0.9, gshape, 1/gscale), sigmau = sqrt(gshape) * gscale, xi = 0, phiu = TRUE, lower.tail = TRUE)

rgammagpd(n = 1, gshape = 1, gscale = 1, u = qgamma(0.9, gshape, 1/gscale), sigmau = sqrt(gshape) * gscale, xi = 0, phiu = TRUE)





gamma shape (positive)


gamma scale (positive)




scale parameter (positive)


shape parameter


probability of being above threshold \([0, 1]\) or TRUE


logical, if TRUE then log density




logical, if FALSE then upper tail probabilities


cumulative probabilities


sample size (positive integer)


dgammagpd gives the density, pgammagpd gives the cumulative distribution function, qgammagpd gives the quantile function and rgammagpd gives a random sample.


Extreme value mixture model combining gamma distribution for the bulk below the threshold and GPD for upper tail.

The user can pre-specify phiu permitting a parameterised value for the tail fraction \(\phi_u\). Alternatively, when phiu=TRUE the tail fraction is estimated as the tail fraction from the gamma bulk model.

The cumulative distribution function with tail fraction \(\phi_u\) defined by the upper tail fraction of the gamma bulk model (phiu=TRUE), upto the threshold \(0 < x \le u\), given by: $$F(x) = H(x)$$ and above the threshold \(x > u\): $$F(x) = H(u) + [1 - H(u)] G(x)$$ where \(H(x)\) and \(G(X)\) are the gamma and conditional GPD cumulative distribution functions (i.e. pgamma(x, gshape, 1/gscale) and pgpd(x, u, sigmau, xi)) respectively.

The cumulative distribution function for pre-specified \(\phi_u\), upto the threshold \(0 < x \le u\), is given by: $$F(x) = (1 - \phi_u) H(x)/H(u)$$ and above the threshold \(x > u\): $$F(x) = \phi_u + [1 - \phi_u] G(x)$$ Notice that these definitions are equivalent when \(\phi_u = 1 - H(u)\).

The gamma is defined on the non-negative reals, so the threshold must be positive. Though behaviour at zero depends on the shape (\(\alpha\)):

  • \(f(0+)=\infty\) for \(0<\alpha<1\);

  • \(f(0+)=1/\beta\) for \(\alpha=1\) (exponential);

  • \(f(0+)=0\) for \(\alpha>1\);

where \(\beta\) is the scale parameter.

See gpd for details of GPD upper tail component and dgamma for details of gamma bulk component.




Scarrott, C.J. and MacDonald, A. (2012). A review of extreme value threshold estimation and uncertainty quantification. REVSTAT - Statistical Journal 10(1), 33-59. Available from http://www.ine.pt/revstat/pdf/rs120102.pdf

Behrens, C.N., Lopes, H.F. and Gamerman, D. (2004). Bayesian analysis of extreme events with threshold estimation. Statistical Modelling. 4(3), 227-244.

See Also

gpd and dgamma

Other gammagpd: fgammagpdcon, fgammagpd, fmgammagpd, fmgamma, gammagpdcon, mgammagpd

Other gammagpdcon: fgammagpdcon, fgammagpd, fmgammagpdcon, gammagpdcon, mgammagpdcon

Other mgammagpd: fgammagpd, fmgammagpdcon, fmgammagpd, fmgamma, mgammagpdcon, mgammagpd, mgamma

Other fgammagpd: fgammagpd


Run this code
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))

x = rgammagpd(1000, gshape = 2)
xx = seq(-1, 10, 0.01)
hist(x, breaks = 100, freq = FALSE, xlim = c(-1, 10))
lines(xx, dgammagpd(xx, gshape = 2))

# three tail behaviours
plot(xx, pgammagpd(xx, gshape = 2), type = "l")
lines(xx, pgammagpd(xx, gshape = 2, xi = 0.3), col = "red")
lines(xx, pgammagpd(xx, gshape = 2, xi = -0.3), col = "blue")
legend("bottomright", paste("xi =",c(0, 0.3, -0.3)),
  col=c("black", "red", "blue"), lty = 1)

x = rgammagpd(1000, gshape = 2, u = 3, phiu = 0.2)
hist(x, breaks = 100, freq = FALSE, xlim = c(-1, 10))
lines(xx, dgammagpd(xx, gshape = 2, u = 3, phiu = 0.2))

plot(xx, dgammagpd(xx, gshape = 2, u = 3, xi=0, phiu = 0.2), type = "l")
lines(xx, dgammagpd(xx, gshape = 2, u = 3, xi=-0.2, phiu = 0.2), col = "red")
lines(xx, dgammagpd(xx, gshape = 2, u = 3, xi=0.2, phiu = 0.2), col = "blue")
legend("topright", c("xi = 0", "xi = 0.2", "xi = -0.2"),
  col=c("black", "red", "blue"), lty = 1)
# }
# }

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