Auxiliary function as user interface for `gee' fitting. Only used when calling `geese' or `'.
epsilon = 1e-04,
maxit = 25,
trace = FALSE,
scale.fix = FALSE,
jack = FALSE,
j1s = FALSE,
fij = FALSE
positive convergence tolerance epsilon; the
iterations converge when the absolute value of the difference
in parameter estimate is below epsilon
integer giving the maximal number of Fisher Scoring iteration.
logical indicating if output should be produced for each iteration.
logical indicating if the scale should be fixed.
logical indicating if approximate jackknife variance estimate should be computed.
logical indicating if 1-step jackknife variance estimate should be computed.
logical indicating if fully iterated jackknife variance estimate should be computed.
A list with the arguments as components.
When `trace' is true, output for each iteration is printed to the screen by the c++ code. Hence, `options(digits = *)' does not control the precision.
`', the fitting procedure used by `geese'.