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ggplot2 (version 0.9.1)

geom_crossbar: Hollow bar with middle indicated by horizontal line.


Hollow bar with middle indicated by horizontal line.


geom_crossbar(mapping = NULL, data = NULL,
    stat = "identity", position = "identity", fatten = 2,


a multiplicate factor to fatten middle bar by
The aesthetic mapping, usually constructed with aes or aes_string. Only needs to be set at the layer level if you are overriding the plot defaults.
A layer specific dataset - only needed if you want to override the plot defaults.
The statistical transformation to use on the data for this layer.
The position adjustment to use for overlappling points on this layer
other arguments passed on to layer. This can include aesthetics whose values you want to set, not map. See layer for more details.

See Also

geom_errorbar for error bars, geom_pointrange and geom_linerange for other ways of showing mean + error, stat_summary to compute errors from the data, geom_smooth for the continuous analog.


Run this code
# See geom_linerange for examples

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab