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mlr (version 2.9)

getBMRFeatSelResults: Extract the feature selection results from a benchmark result.


Returns a nested list of FeatSelResults. The first level of nesting is by data set, the second by learner, the third for the benchmark resampling iterations. If as.df is TRUE, a data frame with “task.id”, “learner.id”, the resample iteration and the selected features is returned.

Note that if more than one feature is selected and a data frame is requested, there will be multiple rows for the same dataset-learner-iteration; one for each selected feature.


getBMRFeatSelResults(bmr, task.ids = NULL, learner.ids = NULL, as.df = FALSE)


[BenchmarkResult] Benchmark result.
[character(1)] Restrict result to certain tasks. Default is all.
[character(1)] Restrict result to certain learners. Default is all.
[character(1)] Return one data.frame as result - or a list of lists of objects?. Default is FALSE.


[list | data.frame]. See above.

See Also

Other benchmark: BenchmarkResult, benchmark, convertBMRToRankMatrix, friedmanPostHocTestBMR, friedmanTestBMR, generateCritDifferencesData, getBMRAggrPerformances, getBMRFilteredFeatures, getBMRLearnerIds, getBMRLearnerShortNames, getBMRLearners, getBMRMeasureIds, getBMRMeasures, getBMRModels, getBMRPerformances, getBMRPredictions, getBMRTaskIds, getBMRTuneResults, plotBMRBoxplots, plotBMRRanksAsBarChart, plotBMRSummary, plotCritDifferences