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fame (version 2.21.1)

getFamePath: Path to a Fame Database


Attempts to resolve its argument to a database path.


getFamePath(dbString, stopOnFail = TRUE)



A database name understood by the local customizing function fameLocalPath (if it exists), the name of a file in the current directory, or the full path name of a database.


If TRUE, stop with an error message if a readable database cannot be found.


A path to a Fame database or Fame Server specification.


If a local function called fameLocalPath exists, it is called first on dbString to get a pathname. Otherwise, dbString is presumed to be the pathname. The pathname is checked for existence and readability. If there is a white space in the pathname, it is presumed valid, as that might specifying a Fame Server. Otherwise, if there is a failure and stopOnFail is TRUE, the function fails with an error message.

putfame calls this function with stopOnFail = FALSE, because it normally creates a new database if there isn't one there already.

See Also
