Internally it handles the points and the possible matchings as a bi-partite graphs and finds an optimal matching due to euclidean distance by an efficient linear programming solver.
getOptimalPointMatching(x, y, method = "lp", full.output = FALSE)
| matrix
First network or matrix of coordinates of the first point set.
| matrix
Second network or matrix of coordinates of the second point set.
Method used to solve the assignment problem. There are currently two methods
Solves the problem be means of linear programming with the lpSolve package to optimality. This is the default.
The assignment problem can be formulated as a matching problem on bipartite graphs. This method makes use of the push-relabel algorithm from the igraph. Solves to optimality.
Random point matching. Just for comparisson.
Greedy point matching, i.e., iterativeely assign two unmatched points with minimal euclidean distance.
Should optimization process information, e.g., the weight of the best matching,
be returned?
Default is FALSE
[matrix | list
Either a matrix where each row consists of the indizes of the pairwise
assigned points.
If full.output = TRUE
a list is returned with the assignment matrix “pm”,
the method “method” and the optimal weight “opt.weight”.