omegahatExists = url.exists("")
# Regular HTTP
if(omegahatExists) {
txt = getURL("")
# Then we could parse the result.
htmlTreeParse(txt, asText = TRUE)
# HTTPS. First check to see that we have support compiled into
# libcurl for ssl.
if(interactive() && ("ssl" %in% names(curlVersion()$features))
&& url.exists("")) {
txt = tryCatch(getURL(""),
error = function(e) {
ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)
# Create a CURL handle that we will reuse.
if(interactive() && omegahatExists) {
curl = getCurlHandle()
pages = list()
for(u in c("",
"")) {
pages[[u]] = getURL(u, curl = curl)
# Set additional fields in the header of the HTTP request.
# verbose option allows us to see that they were included.
getURL("", httpheader = c(Accept = "text/html",
MyField = "Duncan"),
verbose = TRUE)
# Arrange to read the header of the response from the HTTP server as
# a separate "stream". Then we can break it into name-value
# pairs. (The first line is the HTTP/1.1 200 Ok or 301 Moved Permanently
# status line)
if(omegahatExists) {
h = basicTextGatherer()
txt = getURL("",
header= TRUE, headerfunction = h$update,
httpheader = c(Accept="text/html", Test=1), verbose = TRUE)
print(paste(h$value(NULL)[-1], collapse=""))
read.dcf(textConnection(paste(h$value(NULL)[-1], collapse="")))
# Test the passwords.
if(omegahatExists) {
x = getURL("", userpwd = "bob:duncantl")
# Catch an error because no authorization
# We catch the generic HTTPError, but we could catch the more specific "Unauthorized" error
# type.
x = tryCatch(getURLContent(""),
HTTPError = function(e) {
cat("HTTP error: ", e$message, "\n")
## Not run:
# # Needs specific information from the cookie file on a per user basis
# # with a registration to the NY times.
# x = getURL("",
# header = TRUE, verbose = TRUE,
# cookiefile = "/home/duncan/Rcookies",
# netrc = TRUE,
# maxredirs = as.integer(20),
# netrc.file = "/home2/duncan/.netrc1",
# followlocation = TRUE)
# ## End(Not run)
if(interactive() && omegahatExists) {
d = debugGatherer()
x = getURL("", debugfunction = d$update, verbose = TRUE)
# Using an option set in R
if(interactive() && omegahatExists) {
opts = curlOptions(header = TRUE, userpwd = "bob:duncantl", netrc = TRUE)
getURL("", verbose = TRUE, .opts = opts)
# Using options in the CURL handle.
h = getCurlHandle(header = TRUE, userpwd = "bob:duncantl", netrc = TRUE)
getURL("", verbose = TRUE, curl = h)
# Use a C routine as the reader. Currently gives a warning.
if(interactive() && omegahatExists) {
routine = getNativeSymbolInfo("R_internalWriteTest", PACKAGE = "RCurl")$address
getURL("", writefunction = routine)
# Example
if(interactive() && omegahatExists) {
uris = c("",
txt = getURI(uris)
txt = getURI(uris, async = FALSE)
routine = getNativeSymbolInfo("R_internalWriteTest", PACKAGE = "RCurl")$address
txt = getURI(uris, write = routine, async = FALSE)
# getURLContent() for text and binary
x = getURLContent("")
x = getURLContent("")
attr(x, "Content-Type")
x = getURLContent("")
attr(x, "Content-Type")
curl = getCurlHandle()
dd = getURLContent("",
curl = curl,
header = dynCurlReader(curl, binary = TRUE,
value = function(x) {
# Download the files within a directory.
if(interactive() && url.exists('')) {
url = ''
filenames = getURL(url, ftp.use.epsv = FALSE, dirlistonly = TRUE)
# Deal with newlines as \n or \r\n. (BDR)
# Or alternatively, instruct libcurl to change \n's to \r\n's for us with crlf = TRUE
# filenames = getURL(url, ftp.use.epsv = FALSE, ftplistonly = TRUE, crlf = TRUE)
filenames = paste(url, strsplit(filenames, "\r*\n")[[1]], sep = "")
con = getCurlHandle( ftp.use.epsv = FALSE)
# there is a slight possibility that some of the files that are
# returned in the directory listing and in filenames will disappear
# when we go back to get them. So we use a try() in the call getURL.
contents = sapply(filenames[1:5], function(x) try(getURL(x, curl = con)))
names(contents) = filenames[1:length(contents)]
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab