i (unlabeled): the validation step number
STEP: the name of the validation function used for the validation step
COLUMNS: the names of the target columns used in the validation step
(if applicable)
VALUES: the values used in the validation step, where applicable; this
could be as literal values, as column names, an expression, a set of
sub-validations (for a conjointly()
validation step), etc.
TBL: indicates whether any there were any preconditions to apply
before interrogation; if not, a script 'I' stands for 'identity' but, if so,
a right-facing arrow appears
EVAL: a character value that denotes the result of each validation
step functions' evaluation during interrogation
N: the total number of test units for the validation step
PASS: the number of test units that received a pass
FAIL: the fraction of test units that received a pass
W, S, N: indicators that show whether the warn
, stop
, or notify
states were entered; unset states appear as dashes, states that are set with
thresholds appear as unfilled circles when not entered and filled when
thresholds are exceeded (colors for W, S, and N are amber, red, and blue)
EXT: a column that provides buttons with data extracts for each
validation step where failed rows are available (as CSV files)
i: the validation step number
type: the name of the validation function used for the validation step
columns: the names of the target columns used in the validation step
(if applicable)
values: the values used in the validation step, where applicable; for
a conjointly()
validation step, this is a listing of all sub-validations
precon: indicates whether any there are any preconditions to apply
before interrogation and, if so, the number of statements used
active: a logical value that indicates whether a validation step is
set to "active"
during an interrogation
eval: a character value that denotes the result of each validation
step functions' evaluation during interrogation
units: the total number of test units for the validation step
n_pass: the number of test units that received a pass
f_pass: the fraction of test units that received a pass
W, S, N: logical value stating whether the warn
, stop
, or notify
states were entered
extract: a logical value that indicates whether a data extract is
available for the validation step