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neotoma (version 1.7.4)

get_download: Function to return full download records using sites, datasets, or dataset IDs.


Using the dataset ID, site object or dataset object, return all records associated with the data as a download_list.


get_download(x, verbose = TRUE)



A single numeric dataset ID or a vector of numeric dataset IDs as returned by get_datasets, or a site, dataset, or dataset_list.


logical; should messages on API call be printed?


This command returns either object of class "try-error"' (see try) defined by the error returned from the Neotoma API call, or an object of class download_list, containing a set of download objects, each with relevant assemblage information and metadata: The download object is a list of lists and data frames that describe an assemblage, the constituent taxa, the chronology, site and PIs who contributed the data. The following are important components:


A table describing the collection, including dataset information, PI data compatible with get_contact and site data compatable with get_site.


Dataset information for the core, primarily the age-depth model and chronology. In cases where multiple age models exist for a single record the most recent chronology is provided here.


The list of taxa contained within the dataset, unordered, including information that can be used in get_taxa


The assemblage data for the dataset, arranged with each successive depth in rows and the taxa as columns. All taxa are described in taxon.list, the chronology is in sample.data


A data frame of laboratory data, such as exotic pollen spike, amount of sample counted, charcoal counts, etc.


A list of existing chronologies. If only a single chronology exists for a record then this is the same as the age-model in sample.meta.


Neotoma Project Website: http://www.neotomadb.org API Reference: http://api.neotomadb.org/doc/resources/contacts


Run this code
#  Search for sites with "Pseudotsuga" pollen that are older than 8kyr BP and
#  that are roughly within western British Columbia:
t8kyr.datasets <- get_dataset(taxonname='*Picea*', loc=c(-90, 41, -89, 44),
                              ageold = 20000, ageyoung=10000)

#  Returns 20 records (as of 04/04/2013), get the dataset for all records:
pollen.records <- get_download(t8kyr.datasets)

#  Standardize the taxonomies for the different records using the WS64 taxonomy.
compiled.sites <- compile_taxa(pollen.records, list.name='WS64')

#  Extract the Pseudotsuga curves for the sites:
get.curve <- function(x, taxa) {
               if (taxa %in% colnames(x$counts)) {
                 count <- x$counts[,taxa]/rowSums(x$counts, na.rm=TRUE)
               } else {
                 count <- rep(0, nrow(x$count))
               data.frame(site = x$dataset$site.data$site.name,
               age = x$sample.meta$age,
               count = count)

curves <- do.call(rbind.data.frame,
                  lapply(compiled.sites, get.curve, taxa = 'Larix/Pseudotsuga'))

#  For illustration, remove the sites with no Pseudotsuga occurance:
curves <- curves[curves$count > 0, ]

smooth.curve <- predict(loess(sqrt(count)~age, data=curves),
                        data.frame(age=seq(20000, 0, by = -100)))

plot(sqrt(count) ~ age, data = curves,
     ylab = '% Pseudotsuga/Larix', xlab='Calibrated Years BP', pch=19,
     col=rgb(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1), xlim=c(0, 20000))
lines(seq(20000, 0, by = -100), smooth.curve, lwd=2, lty=2, col=2)

#  This figure shows us an apparent peak in Larix/Pseudotsuga pollen in the
#  early-Holocene that lends support to a warmer, drier early-Holocene in
#  western North America.
# }
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab