gets.mean(y, mc = NULL, ar = NULL, ewma = NULL, mx = NULL, arch = NULL, asym = NULL, log.ewma = NULL, vx = NULL, keep = NULL, p = 2, varcov.mat = c("ordinary", "white"), t.pval = 0.05, = TRUE, wald.pval = 0.05, ar.LjungB = c(2, 0.025), arch.LjungB = c(2, 0.025), tau = 2, info.method = c("sc", "aic", "hq"), info.resids = c("mean", "standardised"), include.empty = FALSE, zero.adj = 0.1, vc.adj = TRUE, tol = 1e-07, LAPACK = FALSE, max.regs = 1000, verbose = TRUE, smpl = NULL, alarm = FALSE)
gets.vol(e, arch=NULL, asym=NULL, log.ewma=NULL, vx=NULL, p=2, keep=c(1), t.pval=0.05, wald.pval=0.05,, ar.LjungB=c(1, 0.025), arch.LjungB=c(1, 0.025), tau=2, info.method=c("sc", "aic", "hq"), info.resids=c("standardised", "log-sigma"), include.empty=FALSE, zero.adj=0.1, vc.adj=TRUE, tol=1e-07, LAPACK=FALSE, max.regs=1000, verbose=TRUE, alarm=FALSE, smpl=NULL)
numeric vector, time-series or zoo object. Note that missing values in the beginning or at the end of the series is allowed, as they are removed with the na.trim command from the zoo package
numeric vector, time-series or zoo object. Note that missing values in the beginning or at the end of the series is allowed, as they are removed with the na.trim command from the zoo package
logical, TRUE or FALSE (default). TRUE includes intercept in the mean specification, FALSE does not
integer vector, say, c(2,4) or 1:4. The AR-lags to include in the specification
either NULL (default) or a list with arguments sent to the eqwma function. In the latter case a lagged moving average of y is included as a regressor
numeric matrix, time-series or zoo object of conditioning covariates. Note that missing values in the beginning or at the end of the series is allowed, as they are removed with the na.trim command from the zoo package
integer vector, say, c(1,3) or 2:5. The log-ARCH terms to include in the log-volatility specification
integer vector, say, c(1) or 1:3. The asymmetry or leverage terms to include in the log-volatility specification
NULL (default) or a list. If NULL then log(EWMA) is not included as volatility proxy. If a list, then log(EWMA) is included as a volatility proxy.
numeric matrix, time-series or zoo object of conditioning covariates. Note that missing values in the beginning or at the end of the series is allowed, as they are removed with the na.trim command from the zoo package
NULL (default) or an integer vector. If keep = NULL, then no regressors are excluded from removal. Otherwise, the regressors associated with the numbers in keep are excluded from the removal space. For example, keep=c(1) excludes the constant from removal. The regressor numbering is contained in the column of the gum.mean data frame (see below)
numeric value greater than zero. The power of the log-volatility specification.
character vector, "ordinary" or "white". If "ordinary" then the ordinary variance-covariance matrix is used for inference. Otherwise the White (1980) heteroscedasticity robust matrix is used
numeric value between 0 and 1. The significance level used for the two-sided regressor significance tests
logical, TRUE (default) or FALSE. If TRUE then a Parsimonious Encompassing Test (PET) against the GUM is undertaken at each regressor removal for the joint significance of all the deleted regressors along the current path
numeric value between 0 and 1. The significance level used for the PETs
NULL or a two-element vector where the first element contains the order of a Ljung and Box (1979) test for serial correlation in the standardised residuals, and where the second element contains the significance level. If NULL, then the standardised residuals are not checked for serial correlation after each removal. The default is c(2, 0.025)
NULL or a two-element vector where the first element contains the order of a Ljung and Box (1979) test for ARCH (serial correlation in the squared standardised residuals), and where the second element contains the significance level. If NULL, then the standardised residuals are not checked for ARCH after each removal. The default is c(2, 0.025)
NULL or a numeric value greater than 1. If NULL, then the shape parameter in a Generalised Error Distribution (GED) of the standardised residuals is estimated for the log-likelihood used in the calculation of the information criterion. If tau is equal to a numeric value, a GED(tau) is used. Default: tau=2 (i.e. the standard normal density)
character string, "sc" (default), "aic" or "hq", which determines the information criterion used to select among terminal models. The abbreviations are short for the Schwarz or Bayesian information criterion (sc), the Akaike information criterion (aic) and the Hannan-Quinn (hq) information criterion
character string, "mean" (default) or "standardised" which sets the residuals to be used in the computation of the information criterion
logical, TRUE or FALSE (default). If TRUE then an empty model is included among the terminal models, if it passes the diagnostic tests, even if it is not equal to one of the terminals
numeric value between 0 and 1. The quantile adjustment for zero values. The default 0.1 means that the zero residuals are replaced by means of the 10 percent quantile of the absolute residuals before taking the logarithm
logical, TRUE (default) or FALSE. If true then the log-volatility constant is adjusted by means of the estimate of E[log(z^2)]. This adjustment is needed for the standardised residuals to have unit variance. If FALSE then the log-volatility constant is not adjusted
numeric value (default = 1e-07). The tolerance for detecting linear dependencies in the columns of the regressors (see qr() function). Only used if LAPACK is FALSE
logical, TRUE or FALSE (default). If true use LAPACK otherwise use LINPACK (see qr() function)
integer value, sets the maximum number of regressions along a deletion path. Default: max.regs=1000
logical, TRUE (default) or FALSE. FALSE returns less output and is therefore faster
Either NULL (default; the whole sample is used for estimation) or a two-element vector of dates with the start and end dates of the sample to be used in estimation. For example, smpl=c("2001-01-01", "2009-12-31")
Logical, either TRUE or FALSE (default). If TRUE, then a sound or beep is emitted when the specification search terminates in order to alert the user