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gh (version 1.4.1)

gh_token: Return the local user's GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT)


If gh can find a personal access token (PAT) via gh_token(), it includes the PAT in its requests. Some requests succeed without a PAT, but many require a PAT to prove the request is authorized by a specific GitHub user. A PAT also helps with rate limiting. If your gh use is more than casual, you want a PAT.

gh calls gitcreds::gitcreds_get() with the api_url, which checks session environment variables and then the local Git credential store for a PAT appropriate to the api_url. Therefore, if you have previously used a PAT with, e.g., command line Git, gh may retrieve and re-use it. You can call gitcreds::gitcreds_get() directly, yourself, if you want to see what is found for a specific URL. If no matching PAT is found, gitcreds::gitcreds_get() errors, whereas gh_token() does not and, instead, returns "".

See GitHub's documentation on Creating a personal access token, or use usethis::create_github_token() for a guided experience, including pre-selection of recommended scopes. Once you have a PAT, you can use gitcreds::gitcreds_set() to add it to the Git credential store. From that point on, gh (via gitcreds::gitcreds_get()) should be able to find it without further effort on your part.


gh_token(api_url = NULL)


A string of characters, if a PAT is found, or the empty string, otherwise. For convenience, the return value has an S3 class in order to ensure that simple printing strategies don't reveal the entire PAT.



GitHub API URL. Defaults to the GITHUB_API_URL environment variable, if set, and otherwise to https://api.github.com.


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if (FALSE) {



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