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gifpro: Commercial area prognosis


This function contains the basic GIFPRO model for commercial area prognosis (GIFPRO = Gewerbe- und Industrieflaechenprognose)


gifpro(e_ij, a_i, sq_ij, rq_ij, ru_ij = NULL, ai_ij, time.base, tinterval = 1, 
industry.names = NULL, output = "short")



a numeric vector with \(i\) values containing the current employment in \(i\) industries in region \(j\)


a numeric vector with \(i\) values containing the share of employees in industry \(i\) which is located in commercial areas


a numeric vector with \(i\) values containing the annual quote of resettled employees (Neuansiedlungsquote in German) in industry \(i\), in percent


a numeric vector with \(i\) values containing the annual quote of relocated employees (Verlagerungsquote in German) in industry \(i\), in percent


a numeric vector with \(i\) values containing the annual quote of employees in industry \(i\) which is located in reused commercial area (Wiedernutzungsquote in German), in percent (default: ru_ij = NULL, which represents a quote of 0 percent, meaning that no commercial area can be reused)


a numeric vector with \(i\) values containing the areal index (Flaechenkennziffer in German), representing the area requirement (e.g. in sqm) per employee in industry \(i\)


a single value representing the start time of the prognose (typically current year + 1)


a single value representing the forecast horizon (length of time into the future for which the commercial area prognosis is done), in time units (e.g. tinterval = 10 = 10 years)


a vector containing the industry names (e.g. from the relevant statistical classification of economic activities)


Type of output: output = "short" (default) shows the final number of relevant employment and commercial area requirement. If output = "full", employment and commercial area are displayed for each time unit (year)


A list containing the following objects:


Matrices containing the single components (resettlement, relocation, reuse, relevant employment)


Matrices containing the final results per year and all over


In municipal land use planning (mostly in Germany), the future need of local commercial area (which is a type of land use, defined in official land-use plans) is mostly forecasted by models founded on the GIFPRO model (Gewerbe- und Industrieflaechenbedarfsprognose, prognosis of future demand of commercial area). GIFPRO is a demand-side model, which means predicting the demand of commercial area based on a prognosis of future employment in different industries (Bonny/Kahnert 2005). The key parameters of the model are the (assumed) shares of employees located in commercial areas (\(a_i\)), the (assumed) quotas of resettlement (\(sq_{ij}\)), relocation (\(rq_{ij}\)) and (sometimes) reuse (\(ru_{ij}\)) as well as the (assumed) area requirement per employee (\(ai_{ij}\)). Outgoing from current employment in \(i\) industries in region \(j\), \(e_{ij}\), the future employment is predicted based on the quotas mentioned above and, finally, multiplied by the industry-specific (and maybe region-specific) areal index. The GIFPRO model has been modified and extended several times, especially with respect to industry- and region-specific employment growth, quotas and areal indices (Deutsches Institut fuer Urbanistik 2010, Vallee et al. 2012).


Bonny, H.-W./Kahnert, R. (2005): “Zur Ermittlung des Gewerbeflaechenbedarfs: Ein Vergleich zwischen einer Monitoring gestuetzten Prognose und einer analytischen Bestimmung”. In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 63, 3, p. 232-240.

Deutsches Institut fuer Urbanistik (ed.) (2010): “Stadtentwicklungskonzept Gewerbe fuer die Landeshauptstadt Potsdam”. Berlin. https://www.potsdam.de/sites/default/files/documents/STEK_Gewerbe_Langfassung_2010.pdf (accessed October 13, 2017).

Vallee, D./Witte, A./Brandt, T./Bischof, T. (2012): “Bedarfsberechnung fuer die Darstellung von Allgemeinen Siedlungsbereichen (ASB) und Gewerbe- und Industrieansiedlungsbereichen (GIB) in Regionalplaenen”. Im Auftrag der Staatskanzlei des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. Abschlussbericht Oktober 2012. Aachen.

See Also

gifpro.tbs, portfolio, shift, shiftd, shifti


Run this code
# Data for the city Kempten (2012):
emp2012 <- c(7228, 12452, 11589)
sharesCA <- c(100, 40, 10)
rsquote <- c(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)
rlquote <- c(0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
arealindex <- c(148, 148, 148)
industries <- c("Manufacturing", "Wholesale and retail trade, Transportation 
and storage, Information and communication", "Other services")

gifpro (e_ij = emp2012, a_i = sharesCA,  sq_ij = rsquote,
rq_ij = rlquote, ai_ij = arealindex, time.base = 2012, 
tinterval = 13, industry.names = industries, output = "short")
# short output

gifpro (e_ij = emp2012, a_i = sharesCA,  sq_ij = rsquote,
rq_ij = rlquote, ai_ij = arealindex, time.base = 2012, 
tinterval = 13, industry.names = industries, output = "full")
# full output

gifpro_results <- gifpro (e_ij = emp2012, a_i = sharesCA,  sq_ij = rsquote,
rq_ij = rlquote, ai_ij = arealindex, time.base = 2012, 
tinterval = 13, industry.names = industries, output = "short")
# saving results as gifpro object

# single components

# results (as shown in full output)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab