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usethis (version 1.5.1)

git_credentials: Produce or register git credentials


Credentials are needed for git operations like git push that address a remote, typically GitHub. usethis uses the git2r package. git2r tries to use the same credentials as command line git, but sometimes fails. usethis tries to increase the chance that things "just work" and, when they don't, to provide the user a way to intervene:

  • git_credentials() returns any credentials that have been registered with use_git_credentials() and, otherwise, implements usethis's default strategy.

  • use_git_credentials() allows you to register credentials explicitly for use in all usethis functions in an R session. Do this only after proven failure of the defaults.


git_credentials(protocol = git_protocol(), auth_token = github_token())




Optional. Should be "ssh" or "https", if specified. Defaults to the option usethis.protocol and, if unset, to an interactive choice or, in non-interactive sessions, "ssh". NA triggers the interactive menu.


GitHub personal access token (PAT).



Either NULL or a git2r credential object, invisibly, i.e. something to be passed to git2r as credentials.

Default credentials

If the default behaviour of usethis + git2r works, rejoice and leave well enough alone. Keep reading if you need more control or understanding.

SSH credentials

For protocol = "ssh", by default, usethis passes NULL credentials to git2r. This will work if you have the exact configuration expected by git2r:

  1. Your public and private keys are in the default locations, ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub and ~/.ssh/id_rsa, respectively.

  2. All the relevant software agrees on the definition of ~/, i.e. your home directory. This is harder than it sounds on Windows.

  3. Your ssh-agent is configured to manage your SSH passphrase, if you have one. This too can be a problem on Windows. Read more about SSH setup in Happy Git and GitHub for the useR, especially the troubleshooting section.

If the NULL default doesn't work, you can make credentials explicitly with git2r::cred_ssh_key() and register that with use_git_credentials() for the rest of the session:

my_cred <- git2r::cred_ssh_key(
   publickey  = "path/to/your/id_rsa.pub",
   privatekey = "path/to/your/id_rsa",
   # include / omit passphrase as appropriate to your situation
   passphrase = askpass::askpass()
use_git_credentials(credentials = my_cred)

For the remainder of the session, git_credentials() will return my_cred.

HTTPS credentials

For protocol = "https", we must send username and password. It is possible that your OS has cached this and git2r will successfully use that. However, usethis can offer even more chance of success in the HTTPS case. GitHub also accepts a personal access token (PAT) via HTTPS. If credentials = NULL and a PAT is available, we send it. Preference is given to any auth_token that is passed explicitly. Otherwise, github_token() is called. If a PAT is found, we make an HTTPS credential with git2r::cred_user_pass(). The PAT is sent as the password and dummy text is sent as the username (the PAT is what really matters in this case). You can also register an explicit credential yourself in a similar way:

my_cred <- git2r::cred_user_pass(
  username = "janedoe",
  password = askpass::askpass()
use_git_credentials(credentials = my_cred)

For the remainder of the session, git_credentials() will return my_cred.


Run this code
git_credentials(protocol = "ssh")

# }
# these calls look for a GitHub PAT
git_credentials(protocol = "https")
git_credentials(protocol = "https", auth_token = "MY_GITHUB_PAT")
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab