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gjam (version 2.6.2)

gjamPoints2Grid: Incidence point pattern to grid counts


From point pattern data in (x, y) generates counts on a lattice supplied by the user or specified by lattice size or density. For analysis in gjam as counts (known effort) or count composition (unknown effort) data.


gjamPoints2Grid(specs, xy, nxy = NULL, dxy = NULL, 
                  predGrid = NULL, effortOnly = TRUE)



character vector of species names or codes.


matrix with rows = length(specs) and columns for (x, y).


length-2 numeric vector with numbers of points evenly spaced on (x, y).


length-2 numeric vector with distances for points evenly spaced on (x, y).


matrix with 2 columns for (x, y).


logical to return only points where counts are positive (e.g., effort is unknown).



matrix with rows for grid locations, columns for counts by species.


matrix with columns for (x, y) and rows matching gridBySpec.


For incidence data with species names specs and locations (x, y) constructs a lattice based a prediction grid predGrid, at a density of (dx, dy), or with numbers of lattice points (nx, ny). If effortOnly = T, returns only points with non-zero values.

A prediction grid predGrid would be passed when counts by locations of known effort are required or where multiple groups should be assign to the same lattice points.

The returned gridBySpec can be analyzed in gjam with known effort as count data "DA" or with unknown effort as count composition data "CC".


Clark, J.S., D. Nemergut, B. Seyednasrollah, P. Turner, and S. Zhang. 2016. Generalized joint attribute modeling for biodiversity analysis: Median-zero, multivariate, multifarious data. Ecological Monographs 87, 34-56.

See Also

gjam A more detailed vignette is can be obtained with:



Run this code
## random data
n  <- 100
s  <- sample( letters[1:3], n, replace = TRUE)
xy <- cbind( rnorm(n,0,.2), rnorm(n,10,2) )

nx <- ny <- 5                                    # uniform 5 X 5 lattice
f  <- gjamPoints2Grid(s, xy, nxy = c(nx, ny))
plot(f$predGrid[,1], f$predGrid[,2], cex=.1, xlim=c(-1,1), ylim=c(0,20),
     xlab = 'x', ylab = 'y')
text(f$predGrid[,1], f$predGrid[,2], rowSums(f$gridBySpec))

dx <- .2                                          # uniform density
dy <- 1.5
g  <- gjamPoints2Grid(s, xy, dxy = c(dx, dy))
text(g$predGrid[,1], g$predGrid[,2], rowSums(g$gridBySpec), col='brown')

p  <- cbind( runif(30, -1, 1), runif(30, 0, 20) ) # irregular lattice
h  <- gjamPoints2Grid(s, xy, predGrid = p)
text(h$predGrid[,1], h$predGrid[,2], rowSums(h$gridBySpec), col='blue')
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab