S <- 10
f <- gjamSimData(n = 200, S = S, Q = 3, typeNames = 'CC')
ml <- list(ng = 1500, burnin = 50, typeNames = f$typeNames, holdoutN = 10)
out <- gjam(f$formula, f$xdata, f$ydata, modelList = ml)
# predict data
cols <- c('#018571', '#a6611a')
gjamPredict(out, y2plot = colnames(f$ydata)) # predict the data in-sample
title('full sample')
# out-of-sample prediction
xdata <- f$xdata[1:20,]
xdata[,3] <- mean(f$xdata[,3]) # mean for x[,3]
xdata[,2] <- seq(-2,2,length=20) # gradient x[,2]
newdata <- list(xdata = xdata, nsim = 50 )
p1 <- gjamPredict( output = out, newdata = newdata)
# plus/minus 1 prediction SE, default effort = 1000
x2 <- p1$x[,2]
ylim <- c(0, max(p1$sdList$yMu[,1] + p1$sdList$yPe[,1]))
plot(x2, p1$sdList$yMu[,1],type='l',lwd=2, ylim=ylim, xlab='x2',
ylab = 'Predicted', col = cols[1])
lines(x2, p1$sdList$yMu[,1] + p1$sdList$yPe[,1], lty=2, col = cols[1])
lines(x2, p1$sdList$yMu[,1] - p1$sdList$yPe[,1], lty=2, col = cols[1])
# upper 0.95 prediction error
lines(x2, p1$piList$yLo[,1], lty=3, col = cols[1])
lines(x2, p1$piList$yHi[,1], lty=3, col = cols[1])
title('SE and prediction, Sp 1')
# conditional prediction, assume first species is absent
ydataCond <- out$inputs$y[,1,drop=FALSE]*0 # set first column to zero
newdata <- list(ydataCond = ydataCond, nsim=50)
p0 <- gjamPredict(output = out, newdata = newdata)
ydataCond <- ydataCond + 10 # first column is 10
newdata <- list(ydataCond = ydataCond, nsim=50)
p1 <- gjamPredict(output = out, newdata = newdata)
s <- 4 # species chosen at random to compare
ylim <- range( p0$sdList$yMu[,s], p1$sdList$yMu[,s] )
plot(out$inputs$y[,s],p0$sdList$yMu[,s], cex=.2, col=cols[1],
xlab = 'Observed', ylab = 'Predicted', ylim = ylim)
points(out$inputs$y[,s],p1$sdList$yMu[,s], cex=.2, col=cols[2])
title('Cond. on 1st Sp')
legend( 'topleft', c('first species absent', 'first species = 10'),
text.col = cols, bty = 'n')
# conditional, out-of-sample
n <- 1000
S <- 10
f <- gjamSimData(n = n, S = S, Q = 3, typeNames = 'CA')
holdOuts <- sort( sample(n, 50) )
xdata <- f$xdata[-holdOuts,] # fitted data
ydata <- f$ydata[-holdOuts,]
xx <- f$xdata[holdOuts,] # use for prediction
yy <- f$ydata[holdOuts,]
ml <- list(ng = 2000, burnin = 500, typeNames = f$typeNames) # fit the non-holdouts
out <- gjam(f$formula, xdata, ydata, modelList = ml)
cdex <- sample(S, 4) # condition on 4 species
ndex <- c(1:S)[-cdex] # conditionally predict others
newdata <- list(xdata = xx, ydataCond = yy[,cdex], nsim = 200) # conditionally predict out-of-sample
p2 <- gjamPredict(output = out, newdata = newdata)
par(bty='n', mfrow=c(1,1))
plot( as.matrix(yy[,ndex]), p2$sdList$yMu[,ndex],
xlab = 'Observed', ylab = 'Predicted', cex=.3, col = cols[1])
mspeC <- sqrt( mean( (as.matrix(yy[,ndex]) - p2$sdList$yMu[,ndex])^2 ) )
#predict unconditionally, out-of-sample
newdata <- list(xdata = xx, nsim = 200 )
p1 <- gjamPredict(out, newdata = newdata)
points( as.matrix(yy[,ndex]), p1$sdList$yMu[,ndex], col=cols[2], cex = .3)
mspeU <- sqrt( mean( (as.matrix(yy[,ndex]) - p1$sdList$yMu[,ndex])^2 ) )
e1 <- paste( 'cond, out-of-sample =', round(mspeC, 2) )
e2 <- paste( 'uncond, out-of-sample =', round(mspeU, 2) )
legend('topleft', c(e1, e2), text.col = cols, bty = 'n')
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab