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These are auxiliary functions as user interface for glmrob fitting when the different methods, "Mqle", "BY", or "MT" are used. Typically only used when calling glmrob.
glmrobMqle.control(acc = 1e-04, test.acc = "coef", maxit = 50, tcc = 1.345) glmrobBY.control (maxit = 1000, const = 0.5, maxhalf = 10) glmrobMT.control (cw = 2.1, nsubm = 500, acc = 1e-06, maxit = 200)
positive convergence tolerance; the iterations converge when ???
Only "coef" is currently implemented
integer giving the maximum number of iterations.
tuning constant c for Huber's psi-function
for "BY", the normalizing constant ..
for "BY"; the number of halving steps when the gradient itself no longer improves. We have seen examples when increasing maxhalf was of relevance.
tuning constant c for Tukey's biweight psi-function
the number of subsamples to take for finding an initial estimate for method = "MT".
method = "MT"
A list with the arguments as components.
# NOT RUN { str(glmrobMqle.control()) str(glmrobBY.control()) str(glmrobMT.control()) # }
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