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googledrive (version 2.0.0)

drive_find: Find files on Google Drive


This is the closest googledrive function to what you can do at https://drive.google.com: by default, you just get a listing of your files. You can also search in various ways, e.g., filter by file type or ownership or work with shared drives. This is a very powerful function. Together with the more specific drive_get(), this is the main way to identify files to target for downstream work. If you know you want to search within a specific folder or shared drive, use drive_ls().


  pattern = NULL,
  trashed = FALSE,
  type = NULL,
  n_max = Inf,
  shared_drive = NULL,
  corpus = NULL,
  verbose = deprecated(),
  team_drive = deprecated()



Character. If provided, only the items whose names match this regular expression are returned. This is implemented locally on the results returned by the API.


Logical. Whether to search files that are not in the trash (trashed = FALSE, the default), only files that are in the trash (trashed = TRUE), or to search regardless of trashed status (trashed = NA).


Character. If provided, only files of this type will be returned. Can be anything that drive_mime_type() knows how to handle. This is processed by googledrive and sent as a query parameter.


Integer. An upper bound on the number of items to return. This applies to the results requested from the API, which may be further filtered locally, via the pattern argument.


Anything that identifies one specific shared drive: its name, its id or URL marked with as_id(), or a dribble. The value provided to shared_drive is pre-processed with as_shared_drive(). Read more about shared drives.


Character, specifying which collections of items to search. Relevant to those who work with shared drives and/or Google Workspace domains. If specified, must be one of "user", "drive" (requires that shared_drive also be specified), "allDrives", or "domain". Read more about shared drives.


Other parameters to pass along in the request. The most likely candidate is q. See below and the API's Search for files and folders guide.


[Deprecated] This logical argument to individual googledrive functions is deprecated. To globally suppress googledrive messaging, use options(googledrive_quiet = TRUE) (the default behaviour is to emit informational messages). To suppress messaging in a more limited way, use the helpers local_drive_quiet() or with_drive_quiet().


[Deprecated] Google Drive and the Drive API have replaced Team Drives with shared drives.


An object of class dribble, a tibble with one row per file.

File type

The type argument is pre-processed with drive_mime_type(), so you can use a few shortcuts and file extensions, in addition to full-blown MIME types. googledrive forms a search clause to pass to q.

Search parameters

Do advanced search on file properties by providing search clauses to the q parameter that is passed to the API via .... Multiple q clauses or vector-valued q are combined via 'and'.


By default, drive_find() sets trashed = FALSE and does not include files in the trash. Literally, it adds q = "trashed = false" to the query. To search only the trash, set trashed = TRUE. To see files regardless of trash status, set trashed = NA, which adds q = "(trashed = true or trashed = false)" to the query.

Sort order

By default, drive_find() sends orderBy = "recency desc", so the top files in your result have high "recency" (whatever that means). To suppress sending orderBy at all, do drive_find(orderBy = NULL). The orderBy parameter accepts sort keys in addition to recency, which are documented in the files.list endpoint. googledrive translates a snake_case specification of order_by into the lowerCamel form, orderBy.

Shared drives and domains

If you work with shared drives and/or Google Workspace, you can apply your search query to collections of items beyond those associated with "My Drive". Use the shared_drive or corpus arguments to control this. Read more about shared drives.

See Also

Wraps the files.list endpoint:

Helpful resource for forming your own queries:


Run this code
# list "My Drive" w/o regard for folder hierarchy

# filter for folders, the easy way and the hard way
drive_find(type = "folder")
drive_find(q = "mimeType = 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder'")

# filter for Google Sheets, the easy way and the hard way
drive_find(type = "spreadsheet")
drive_find(q = "mimeType='application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet'")

# files whose names match a regex
# the local, general, sometimes-slow-to-execute version
drive_find(pattern = "ick")
# the server-side, executes-faster version
# NOTE: works only for a pattern at the beginning of file name
drive_find(q = "name contains 'chick'")

# search for files located directly in your root folder
drive_find(q = "'root' in parents")
# FYI: this is equivalent to

# control page size or cap the number of files returned
drive_find(pageSize = 50)
# all params passed through `...` can be camelCase or snake_case
drive_find(page_size = 50)
drive_find(n_max = 58)
drive_find(page_size = 5, n_max = 15)

# various ways to specify q search clauses
# multiple q's
drive_find(q = "name contains 'TEST'",
           q = "modifiedTime > '2020-07-21T12:00:00'")
# vector q
drive_find(q = c("starred = true", "visibility = 'anyoneWithLink'"))

# default `trashed = FALSE` excludes files in the trash
# `trashed = TRUE` consults ONLY file in the trash
drive_find(trashed = TRUE)
# `trashed = NA` disregards trash status completely
drive_find(trashed = NA)

# suppress the default sorting on recency
drive_find(order_by = NULL, n_max = 5)

# sort on various keys
drive_find(order_by = "modifiedByMeTime", n_max = 5)
# request descending order
drive_find(order_by = "quotaBytesUsed desc", n_max = 5)
# }
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab