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igraph (version 0.7.1)

graph.adjacency: Create graphs from adjacency matrices


graph.adjacency is a flexible function for creating igraph graphs from adjacency matrices.


graph.adjacency(adjmatrix, mode=c("directed", "undirected", "max",
        "min", "upper", "lower", "plus"), weighted=NULL, diag=TRUE,
        add.colnames=NULL, add.rownames=NA)


A square adjacency matrix. From igraph version 0.5.1 this can be a sparse matrix created with the Matrix package.
Character scalar, specifies how igraph should interpret the supplied matrix. See also the weighted argument, the interpretation depends on that too. Possible values are: directed, undirected, upper<
This argument specifies whether to create a weighted graph from an adjacency matrix. If it is NULL then an unweighted graph is created and the elements of the adjacency matrix gives the number of edges between the vertices. If it
Logical scalar, whether to include the diagonal of the matrix in the calculation. If this is FALSE then the diagonal is zerod out first.
Character scalar, whether to add the column names as vertex attributes. If it is NULL (the default) then, if present, column names are added as vertex attribute name. If NA
Character scalar, whether to add the row names as vertex attributes. Possible values the same as the previous argument. By default row names are not added. If add.rownames and add.colnames


  • An igraph graph object.


  • Adjacency matrix
  • Sparse matrix


graph.adjacency creates a graph from an adjacency matrix.

The order of the vertices are preserved, i.e. the vertex corresponding to the first row will be vertex 0 in the graph, etc.

graph.adjacency operates in two main modes, depending on the weighted argument.

If this argument is NULL then an unweighted graph is created and an element of the adjacency matrix gives the number of edges to create between the two corresponding vertices. The details depend on the value of the mode argument: [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]

If the weighted argument is not NULL then the elements of the matrix give the weights of the edges (if they are not zero). The details depend on the value of the mode argument: [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]

See Also

graph and graph.formula for other ways to create graphs.


Run this code
adjm <- matrix(sample(0:1, 100, replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.9,0.1)), nc=10)
g1 <- graph.adjacency( adjm )
adjm <- matrix(sample(0:5, 100, replace=TRUE,
                      prob=c(0.9,0.02,0.02,0.02,0.02,0.02)), nc=10)
g2 <- graph.adjacency(adjm, weighted=TRUE)

## various modes for weighted graphs, with some tests
nzs <- function(x) sort(x [x!=0])
adjm <- matrix(runif(100), 10)
adjm[ adjm<0.5 ] <- 0
g3 <- graph.adjacency((adjm + t(adjm))/2, weighted=TRUE,

g4 <- graph.adjacency(adjm, weighted=TRUE, mode="max")
all(nzs(pmax(adjm, t(adjm))[upper.tri(adjm)]) == sort(E(g4)$weight))

g5 <- graph.adjacency(adjm, weighted=TRUE, mode="min")
all(nzs(pmin(adjm, t(adjm))[upper.tri(adjm)]) == sort(E(g5)$weight))

g6 <- graph.adjacency(adjm, weighted=TRUE, mode="upper")
all(nzs(adjm[upper.tri(adjm)]) == sort(E(g6)$weight))

g7 <- graph.adjacency(adjm, weighted=TRUE, mode="lower")
all(nzs(adjm[lower.tri(adjm)]) == sort(E(g7)$weight))

g8 <- graph.adjacency(adjm, weighted=TRUE, mode="plus")
d2 <- function(x) { diag(x) <- diag(x)/2; x }
all(nzs((d2(adjm+t(adjm)))[lower.tri(adjm)]) == sort(E(g8)$weight))

g9 <- graph.adjacency(adjm, weighted=TRUE, mode="plus", diag=FALSE)
d0 <- function(x) { diag(x) <- 0 }
all(nzs((d0(adjm+t(adjm)))[lower.tri(adjm)]) == sort(E(g9)$weight))

## row/column names
rownames(adjm) <- sample(letters, nrow(adjm))
colnames(adjm) <- seq(ncol(adjm))
g10 <- graph.adjacency(adjm, weighted=TRUE, add.rownames="code")

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