Graphical argument passed into
plot. See par
for an exhaustive list. The arguments xlim and
ylim are particula
A list is returned invisibly with the following components.
xThe reduced data.
yThe sorted y data.
If $Y$ has a Gumbel distribution then plotting the sorted
values $y_i$ versus the reduced values $r_i$ should
appear linear. The reduced values are given by
$$r_i = -\log(-\log(p_i))$$
where $p_i$ is the $i$th plotting position, taken
here to be $(i-0.5)/n$.
Here, $n$ is the number of observations.
Curvature upwards/downwards may indicate a Frechet/Weibull
distribution, respectively. Outliers may also be detected
using this plot.
The function guplot is generic, and
guplot.default and guplot.vlm are some
methods functions for Gumbel plots.
Coles, S. (2001)
An Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values.
London: Springer-Verlag.
Gumbel, E. J. (1958)
Statistics of Extremes.
New York, USA: Columbia University Press.