LASfile <- system.file("extdata", "Megaplot.laz", package="lidR")
lidar = readLAS(LASfile,filter = "-keep_random_fraction 0.5")
col = grDevices::colorRampPalette(c("blue", "cyan2", "yellow", "red"))
# Maximum elevation with a resolution of 8 m
hm = hexbin_metrics(lidar, ~max(Z), 8)
hexbin::plot(hm, colramp = col, main = "Max Z")
# Mean height with a resolution of 20 m
hm = hexbin_metrics(lidar, ~mean(Z), 20)
hexbin::plot(hm, colramp = col, main = "Mean Z")
# Define your own new metrics
myMetrics = function(z, i)
metrics = list(
zwimean = sum(z*i)/sum(i), # Mean elevation weighted by intensities
zimean = mean(z*i), # Mean products of z by intensity
zsqmean = sqrt(mean(z^2)) # Quadratic mean
metrics = hexbin_metrics(lidar, ~myMetrics(Z, Intensity), 10)
hexbin::plot(metrics$zwimean, colramp = col, main = "zwimean")
#hexbin::plot(metrics$zimean, colramp = col, main = "zimean")
#hexbin::plot(metrics$zsqmean, colramp = col, main = "zsqmean")
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab